Sep 30, 2004 14:50
Of songs i've been hearing lately and well yeah i'd usually post the lyrics on here for those less fourtunate who don't have the cd or the song but i just don't have the time anymore.....harsh curfew grounded, and no phone....................I HATE THIS SHIT.....
California Love- TUPAC
Changes- TUPAC
I get Around- TUPAC
Keep Ya HEad Up- TUPAC
Thugs MAnsion- TUPAC
Blackened- Metallica
Dyer's Eve- MEtallica
One- MEtallica
Not Falling- Mudvayne
A World So Cold- Mudvayne
Giving In- Adema
The Way You Like It- Adema
Sober- TOOL
Fiction- Orgy
Blue MOnday- Orgy
Theres a lot more but my teach says to get off the internet...... i gtg so i dunno when i'll update anymore
31 days