So I just spent a full fifteen minutes searching... for toilet paper. WHY WOULD ANYONE HIDE TOILET PAPER?!?!?! I mean, seriously, I can hear your thoughts. "Are you sure it was hidden? Maybe it was just misplaced..." NO. IT WAS HIDDEN. After 15 minutes of searching, I used the very last on the roll and decided to take one more gander around the house - just to be on the safe side. I mean, I knew how much toilet paper there was, and I KNEW that it couldn't POSSIBLY be gone yet, but low and behold, it was nowhere. I even checked the garage! But then I saw it - the suspicious lump the made me stop and go "No... it couldn't be..."
I swear on all that is holy, I found it in my parents room (My dad asleep on the couch and Terry hiding away in 'her' room)... UNDER THE DOG'S BED. NO REALLY. WHO HIDES TOILET PAPER UNDER THE DOG'S BED?! I mean, you have to be seriously deranged and psychotic to hide TOILET PAPER. IT IS ESSENTIAL TO DOMESTIC LIVING.
...And at risk of repeating myself one too many times... WHO THE FUCK HIDES TOILET PAPER?!
Looks like nothing's changed since I left...
On another note, I finally picked up some Hikago icons (one of which is lovingly displayed in this post <3). You know what's sad? I didn't have any Hikago icons before. NOT ANY. And it's not because I didn't want them. Oh no. It's because I just didn't know where to find them. Why? Because before I created the
hikago_tribune, the majority of my time in the Hikago fandom was spent in ONE COMM. Why? BECAUSE I FAIL AT FINDING ANYTHING. This is precisely the reason I created the
hikago_tribune, not so much for the fans, but FOR MY OWN SELFISH REASONS. I am completely convinced that the only reason I find anything in the GW fandom is because of the
gundam_herald. (Thank you, thank you so much
natea21.) As for Hikago, for the longest time, I've only had a few friends from the Hikaru no Go fandom, and with the sheer number of GW friends I have *Waves and loves on* and my inability to check my F-list regularly *Fails*, most of their posts get drowned out and lost in the massiveness that is my f-list. And yes, I tried filters. I still fail at life. Maybe I should make one just for the Hikago fandom? Hmm...
Oh, and also, four-hundred and fifty thousand apologies to everyone who has been getting flooded with my recent posts. Honestly, I really am sorry. I just got so excited about too many things at once and I went just a little crazy. X-posting everywhere and the like. I swear, I either don't post at all or I post so much people want to eat me. -.-; I seriously fail.