School starts tomorrow. I'm kinda glad. Even though I've been working, it hasn't been much, so I'm feeling kinda lazy. But man, why does stuff always have to start with a crazy bad omen?
It's nothing incredibly major, but on top of being sick and school starting and stuff, it sucks. My tire popped. Sidewall damage that's unfixable... so that's going to be 128 dollars I don't have at the moment. >.< Plus, the nut was cracked... stupid tire locks, and it took hours to get it off. Now I'm on a spare, and I commute 80 miles a day... Missed work, too. Good thing someone gave me their day tomorrow so I can make up for it, hours-wise. Blarg. It just sucks. And I have to give my car to the shop on Thursday... but I don't know what I'm going to do once I hand it off... >.>; Transportation is difficult to find that far of a distance.
Oh well. I'll just keep trying, right? What else is there to do?
My internet was turned off, too. Ray gave me his Clearwire, but it gets a shitty signal in my house. No fast downloading for me right now.
I've been watching Death Note, and is it just me, or is the whole series just a bit on the creepy side? Am I supposed to not know who to root for? O.o; Such a good series, though.
I'm going to go to Yaoi-Con again this year! I really look forward to seeing lots of people there! Ray might come with me, and if he does, he's gonna dress up as Vash. That would be awesome.
The Media Miner Maximum Challenge is going on again! You guys should enter! There are a lot of different categories, and they take anything from anime, game and even original works. Yaoi, Yuri and Het is all accepted, and they already have some good judges put together for it this year. It's going to be a lot of fun - I'm definately entering this year! They asked me to judge again this year, but I don't know in which category yet - and I can't really tell anyone anyway, but I'm totally looking forward to it. Last year I co-judged with someone else, so this year I'm hoping to get a category to myself. We'll see, I guess. Check out all the information
here. I hope to see a lot of entries this year.
Hmmm... school and work tomorrow... it's going to be a long day... I'll probably hit the sack here real soon. I kinda want to write, but for some reason, I'm really tired. Bleh. On Wednesday, I'm going to see Pan's Labrynth, so I'm excited about that! Everything else will work itself out, I suppose. ^.^;;