I have the worst crick in my neck. Seriously, I can barely move. Getting dressed and showering was a chore. >.< Plus, it's like 108 outside... O.O;
I'd like to thank everyone who put up with me the day before yesterday and encouraged my writing spree. I wrote more than I have written in the last few weeks in that one day. I also managed a bunch of firsts - my first time writing three pieces in one day, my first gen/friendship fic, my first 3=4, and my first hardcore smut for the sake of smut piece. It was amazing fun, even if I was tired and hyper beyond all reason.
I'd also like to show off the apartment me and Ray are thinking of getting. This could be a real change for the better... we're looking into what we need to do to get the place.
http://www.forrent.com/search/detail.asp?site=999907243 Check out Floorplan B. I absolutely adore it - and we can afford it with no roommate. Like I told him - it's a good thing I picked up that For Rent magazine on a whim... this place is exactly what both of us need. Now I just have to make sure my Step-mom inquires about that job I want...
I do have a question for my flist though, especially for anyone who lives in California or knows how much it costs to live here. After all bills are paid and rent is paid and food is bought and gas tanks are filled - how much money should we have left over per month to live comfortably? I've done the math and I know how much we'll have - but I'm curious if it's enough. I'd be greatful for the help!
EDIT: Oh yeah... and it has stairs... THAT IS SO DROOLWORTHY!