Do you like my Hikago layout?!
blue_cage made it for me. <3 I'm very much in love with having my first ever custom layout!
So, I still have some school things to do, but the paper is done, anyway, and I need to be getting on with Remix. Still kinda idealess - but I suppose it's because I'm largely unfamiliar with the idea, heh. I have
blind_go ideas, too, but I'm thinking about just working a bit on Shidougo and the next part of Awake and Asleep. Hmmm.
My head is kinda full but putting it into words seems to escape me. Been doing the flit back and forth between things thing and getting nothing much done at all. Jacks is almost three months old! He'll be three months on the fifth. <3 I'm also already looking forward to Hikago day, 5/5, even if it's more than a month away, heh. That's probably kind of silly of me, but hey, whatever.
I wonder if I can write with such a full head. Guess I'll find out.