And now for something fannish and fun, because RL is made of lose.
Ganked from
seraphim_grace, who stole it from other people. XD
Post the first lines from your last 20 stories. Do you see a pattern?
(I'm omitting my crack!drabbles from the battle, lol. Since it says stories, I'm not counting chapters, just the very beginning of any fic.)
1. I could see it all from my vantage point - could see that Heero was the only one with a weapon that could counter the hunk of metal working on taking out the Earth, could calculate the trajectories in my head, could see that not only did not one else have the proper weapons, but no one else had a chance in hell of making it in time; not even me with my speed-enhanced suit.
- Walking Corpses, GW
2. "Duo!" Sister Helen called, her voice echoing through the church corridors.
- Solo's Rules, GW
3. "I'm not sick," Heero said for the third time, but his red nose and watery eyes made the accompanying glare fall flat.
- Not Sick, GW
4. It's not surprising that Duo has a fierce love for the stars that comes with a desire to be surrounded by space - it was our home for so many years, and it offers things that nowhere else can.
- The Safehouse That Glows, GW
5. For the most part, my life with Duo is fairly calm.
- I Don't Mind (A.K.A. Duo Does His Taxes), GW
6. "Trowa!" Quatre gasped, his back arching sharply, pushing slick skin against questing hands.
- Intense, GW
7. 'Come on, you never go with me,' Duo said with a roll of his eyes.
- Waiting for This, GW
8. There was a profound silence in Hikaru's room as the first few hands were played.
- Different Worlds, Same Go, Hikago/GW Crossover
9. A cold chill crept over his body, turning his skin to ice.
- The World Between Awake and Asleep, Hikago (Omitted direct manga quote.)
10. Hey, Nana, do you remember that night we took that bath together?
- Regrets, NANA
11. Renji checked his phone one more time to make sure he wasn’t needed back at Soul Society before turning down the familiar path to Ichigo’s house.
- Dying for You, Bleach
12. The last six months have been… surprisingly uninteresting.
- Still Growing, The Not-So-Mini-Series, GW
13. Trowa was sitting in the drawing room, quite happy to have some time to himself.
- Time Alone, GW
14. Every single day of my life, I realize I was wrong.
- Haunted, GW
15. The reception was long.
- Matched, Pride and Prejudice
16. It’s dark.
- The Equation, Original
17. The candles were still burning brightly, casting an eerie glow over the room.
- Project Zombie, Hikago (Skipped date and time)
18. When Eve returned with some cash and a broad smile on her face from successfully catching her target, Train wondered when she had grown so much.
- Free Spirited, Black Cat
19. When Shindou and Touya move in together to save on rent, Akira doesn’t think it’s anything to make a fuss over.
- House-Warming, Hikago
20. Hikaru didn't have a reason for asking Touya to come with him to Innoshima other than it felt right.
- An Empty Stone, Hikago
...So... does this say anything? It's totally scattered, multifandom way more than I think of myself, and completely varied in theme and mood. So uh... maybe this says I'm balanced when it comes to fics? ...No clue. XD