And Children's/Boy's Day, Too!
The spirit of Hikago is in the air! Check out this odd happenstance:
It is May 5th, and
bookshop had just saw and started reading my story that I dedicated to her,
The World Between Awake and Asleep, which is based on a post she made concerning May 5th, and I got a comment alert while I re-read said post on May 5th.
Also, join
bookshop and the rest of the Hikago fandom as we ask each other our top five anything to do with Hikago questions!
LET'S FIVE! Thinking about putting off my owed drabbles just a tiny bit longer to write a little something for Hikago Day. After spending time in the
blind_go chat and seeing all the fics go up with out my help made me want to contribute something to the day.
I don't know if I'll write or not, but rest assured, I've been buried in fandom fun and you should be, too!