Nov 10, 2003 21:51
work wasn't too bad today i just hate it when my district manager comes in cause i feel like i can't get much accomplished, also our holiday floor set is being set early in our store and then wed. all the other store managers are coming to view it so they know how their store should look, so of course our store has to be pretty much perfect... great on top of everything else that needs to get done
then when i get home i have to have a "family" talk, but it was pretty much my mom talking.. BLAH.... everyone knows that i didn't want to move back home, even if it is temporary, so my mom proceeds to tell me that while i am here i am not allowed to have overnite guests, (though she only pointed towards one, and that happens to be Brandon), i can have visitors but then they have to go home, then she flips out on me and my dad saying that she is tired of us not giving, being respectful, and thankful enought, but a few minutes before that said she wasn't judging people, it really pissed me off, cause here she is saying that she doesn't want brennan to wake up and find brandon in my bed, when he was use to it at our place, she wants to teach him good values, ( well right there it seems like my valuse are not good), then she proceeds to continue to ask me what sacrifices am i going to make for my son, (umm ok how many sacrifices to i make a day for him), and the worse part is that while she was talking all i could think about is what a hipocrite she is, when she use to do the same thing herself, but now because she is on this religious journey she can point the finger at me..WTF!!!!! and don't give me that parents want whats best for their children, if she wanted whats best then she wouldn't criticize me, not hound me for the fact that i stayed late at work to get some things done, and then turn around and say what a good mother i am, then go back and say that i'm not sacrificing enough, i have enough shit in one fucking day....
i try to keep telling myself that this is only temporary