Uki Doki Memorial

Jul 24, 2008 19:13

Name/Nickname: Ashlee, Ash, or Ashes
Age: 19
Height: 5'3"
Likes: Reading, writing, listing to music, being left alone, and my family
Dislikes: Being bothered, people who don't have common sense, people who think they know everything, liers, backstabers, and obnoxious people
Strong points: Calm, compassionate, and kind
Weak points: Stubborn, hard-headed, and short-temper
Hobbies: Reading, writing, listing to music, and dancing in pow-wows
Talents: I love to write

Favorite color: Any shades of blue and purple
Favorite animal: Wolf
Mature or Immature?: I'm a bit of both. 
Leader or Follower?: Follower.
Optimistic or Pessimistic?: Both
Low, medium, or high energy level?: Medium. My energy level can get high when I'm with people that I'm really close to.

Favorite quote, and why?: I don't have a favorite quote XD.
Favourite food?: Non-Americanized Chinese food, Mexican, and Italian
Describe your personality in three words: Kind, hard-headed, and stubborn.

Favorite character, and why?: Tamaki. I just love his personality because it makes me smile to see him act happy even through hard times.
Least favorite character, and why?: Renge. She annoys me.
Favourite pairing, and why?: TamakixHaruhi. I'm not sure what my reason is to love this paring.
If you could spend the day with one of the characters who would it be, what would you do, and why would you pick them? Haruhi. She's just easy to talk to and easy to get use to and talking wouldn't be much of a problem.

Anything else?: Nope
How did you find this community?: On a friends LJ
Any other questions you feel should be added to the application? Nope.

I'm the one on the left ^^ sorry; I just have pictures of me in my Indian dress.

I'm the one on the left ^^
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