Post here with one current thing that could be used against your character for blackmailing purposes. (Note: This shouldn't be confused with gossip that should be reported to GG -- that stuff will be blasted over the internet and through texts for everyone to see. Blackmail can be used by other players (if they ask permission), the mod, or GG herself.)
Please make sure you have one previously unused piece of blackmail posted here in the comments. That means if a PC or GG already has their mitts on some blackmail or have already used it, you should make sure to have another one posted in it's place.
Blackmail does not have to be true. It can be a misleading/awkward/crazy photo of your PB that your character was not actually involved in -- in that case it can be either a look-a-like of your character or a Photoshop manip. Or it can be an untrue rumor that your character can't disprove. Maybe they failed all of their classes and threw their report card away; that sort of thing can be retrieved by the right people. Just some examples.
If you are stuck on ideas, please contact the mod (bao atama on AIM) for brainstorming sessions. ♥