
Sep 29, 2009 17:17

My boss today put in his 2 weeks notice. No one else seen it coming but me. I knew for MONTHS that it was going to happen. I was just waiting for it to happen. They were all in shock. Now Al(my boss) has in deed done a lot for the company and everyone is worried how things are going to be once he is gone.

Me I am not worried one bit. The past 2 years I have been doing more and more of what he would do day in and day out. I know I could easily step up and fill his shoes in the company. BUT they decided not to fill his position. This kinda upsets me. I bust my ass everyday and give an honest 8 hours each and everyday. I deserve to get a permotion. If in a couple month they decide to fill the spot I am going to make it well known that I want it.

My one concern is that they would end up putting another guy at work in charge of me. This guy can't even clean up after him self and half ass's everything he does. But no one in management thinks he is like this. They think that he is wonderful. I can't stand him one bit. He is a fully grown man and he can't be bothered to wipe the pee of the seat in the bathroom or even flush at times. Not to mention when you tell him to he looks at you like he knows nothing of it. GRRRRR

Time will only tell what is going to happen. One thing is for sure, if it doesn't go well I will be more then happy asking people "do you want fries with that" or " paper or plastic". Sure I would have to work 12 hour days 7 days a week.
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