(no subject)

May 09, 2009 02:33

Ok so I am going to sound like a awful person for this but here goes.

Tonight I had yet another first date. But this one was not like the others. To start off she was not my type at all. She is 40, about 5'5" and 220 pounds. Not very good looking. Ok so this is what was going thru my head when I decided to ask her out. There was no way she would be a first date only. I thought it would have been fairly easy to get a second date with her. Boy was I wrong.

At the end of the night I asked if I could see her again and she told me no. She said that she didn't see it happening because I seemed far too good to be true. LMAO! What the hell kind of line is that? I was SHOCKED to say the least. Now I know that there is something about me that is driving all these girls away. There must be, how else would or could it be explained. Now If I could just put my finger on it and fix it.

On that note I have taken Stacey's advice and started to work on the things she said. I have cut way back on the bad fast food that I have been almost only eating. I also have cut back on how much I been taking in. For example I could easily put down a whole pizza+( mostly I would just keep eating till I was full) now I will have 1 or 2 slices. I have increased the amount I run. The past week I have been waking up an hour early to go for a run and I have been using my brothers weight bench.

And for the hard part. My smoking! I have also started to cut back to stop. I figure cold turkey would not work too well for me and the gum or patches would not work either. I have cut the amount by 1/4. I have been not too bad about that. After next week I will try 1/4 the 1/4. so from 20 a day I am at 15 and next week will be 10 a day. My goal is to stop mid next month.

I am really serious about finding someone. I feel kinda empty. It's like all my life is going to work and coming home to be alone day in and day out. Weekends are the worst because there is nada to do all day and I find my self wanting to just have the weekend over so I can go back to work. Get another job you say? I have been looking for a second job for the past 3 months now. Each place has told me they can't see me working a full time job and being able to give 100% 4 or 5 hours added on to that. WTF? Come on what do you think that high school kid is doing? 8 hours at school and doing 4 hours after school. Target, Mc=a=d's, Walmart. Kmart, Big Lots and Burger King have all turned me down. Still waiting to her back from Steward's

On the + side I have yet to come down with the swine flu. YAY because I always seem to get the weird shit.
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