Quick Life Update

Feb 17, 2008 20:50

here it goes:

School: Progressing decently well. GenEd's melt my brain and take up my time. I would advise not leaving low level classes towards the end of school. In all truth the busy work just distracts you and is not really a "break". If you are worried about overloading on upper-level classes, get through the GenEds quick and really load up the first couple of years. busy work is truly annoying. And upper level classes are starting in with the heavy lifting so it will be busy.

Research: Progressing. Not as fast as I would like but we are starting to get somewhere. I just hope that I can keep motivated and not let my other obligations distract me from the work I am doing. The money is a big ease off my mind but I don't want to let myself get behind in any other areas or the research. Just need to get good at juggling

Fraternity: Going well. Was voted as the ACPR this weekend for next academic year. ACPR = assistant collegiate province representative. I will have a lot of stuff in the province to due, but no direct chapter responcibilities or national obligations, which is exactly what I wanted. Otherwise, 5 PMs and I think it will be a good pm period this year.

Other Life: No complaints. Decently busy as people can most likely tell but everything is good. There are times I wish for a slow period to catch my breath but no rest for the weary. Spring break should be good I just need to figure out what I am doing, Chelsea is doing, and if brothers (frat brothers) plan on trying to do something and I am not sure what I am doing.

So yea. Good but busy.

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