Feb 16, 2009 02:09
Yeah.. quick entry before bed.
I've really been so happy lately. So very happy. Sammy is here, and everything is great. She really brings a smile to my face. One thing I love is just.. getting into a bed with her. It's really comforting. Though, I am afraid of waking her up with my weird movements. :s I'm also weird in the sense that I want everything perfect for her, but just getting a plain stick from her would make me happy. I wish we could do more together. Something really loving. Sharing a tender moment in a pretty place like the beach or something. But ahh, the beach is way too far to walk and even takes a small drive.
I've never been more happy in my entire life. I feel so complete. We're both so happy together, and nothing comes between us. Sometimes she'll feel down, or I will. But we both just.. magically lift our spirits just by our presence together. It's really wonderful. I usually don't write in this too often, but sometimes I feel like sharing how happy I feel. Not to push it in anyone's face, but to just get it out and feel even happier?
As far as today, we both went to the fleamarket, made remixes of pokemon music, and did some lovey dovey stuff. It was a very good day. I hope every day for the rest of my life, as well as hers, is filled with this kind of carefree happiness and eternal bond. She deserves the best from me, and I am so happy to do my best for her. She's my girl and I'm her guy. Soulmates..
<3 you Sammy