And we have made an interesting discovery in our Vet Med dictionaries (Saunders Comprehensive Veterinary Dictionary, 2nd ed. Blood, D.C. and Studdert, V.P., eds WB Saunders, London, 1999). Check out the following entries.
dumb: mute. Commonly said of animals generally but their capacity for vocal communication makes it necessary on occasion to mute the mute. See DEVOCALIZATION.
Hang: an unscheduled stop in a computer program due usually to a software error. It is usually necessary to reboot.
kicking: lashing out with the hindfeet. 1. a normal defense reaction in horses and cattle that are unused to human attendants. 2. a vice in some cattle and horses. 3. part of the normal behavior of trained mules and to a lesser extent donkeys.
Tamagotchi: [Japanese; cute little egg] space-age cyber-pet; a solely electronic stare; indigenous to Japan, appearing as an egg on a liquid-crystal screen. Life history, consisting of hatching, feeding, beeping when not fed, sleeping in 12 hour snatches, growing, dying prematurely if neglected, flying away, is completed usually within two weeks with maximum recorded life span 4 weeks. The low maintenance costs and brief life span appear to have been designed to suit society's average desired investment level and affection span for a house pet. An unfriendly addition to the veterinary profession's list of exotic companion animals.
...okay, *I* thought they were funny.