Recs, Fannish shiny

Aug 31, 2004 17:10

On to things of the squee.

- hobsonphile is sponsoring a Rygel ficathon. Go, sign up. (This also reminds me that I wanted to talk about ficathons and the like in general, but so not happening tonight.)


- Two things I'd like fandom to do for me:

1) A Faith (BtVS/AtS) vid to Big & Rich's Save a Horse, Ride a Cowboy. Come on, you *know* you want to.

2) A scholarly paper. A specific scholarly paper. Comparing and contrasting fandom through the lens of at least three of the following fics:

Letters of Transit (TXF) by Loch Ness. Story can be found here: (part one) and (part two).

As Time Goes By (Buffyverse) by Yahtzee. (here)

Bellum Interruptum (Farscape) by Cofax. (here)

A Harbor in the Tempest (X-Men Movieverse) by Victoria P. (here)

The theme is, obviously (to old, ancient fanfic queens) treatments of Casablanca. If there are other stories in other fandoms that I haven't heard of, please, consider them fair game as well.

The person writing this should *not* be a friend of any of the above authors. (I mean in the 'can't tell them in public where their story is weak' kind of close friend.) They MUST NOT be one of the authors themselves. It would be really cool if the paper writer had a background in lit crit. Or multi-media interpretation. Someone who did her masters on Shakespeare plays adapted into movies, f'instance.

What I'd like to see from the paper is...everything. Examination of how each author mirrored the original material and how they stepped away, certainly. Tone, imagery, all the story telling things, of course. But what I'd really like is an investigation of how each fic is and is not an example of fic in that fandom. And how each story fits into the mythology of fandom - what was going on in the world when that story got posted? How old/new/well-known was the author? How was the story received? Why? What themes common to other stories in that fandom are covered in the Casablanca story line? Which ones aren't?

Obviously, there's no deadline on this. *g* It'd be rilly rilly kewl, though, if this got presented someday at a con.

hmmm. This could even be a book.


- I was going to upload fics to archives (like FF Glow and Levi) this last weekend, but that so did not happen. And this coming weekend is Dragon*con. I know a few people off my list are going - like, say, searose, who's driving me - anyone else I need to look for/look out for?

So, no uploaded fic for a while. And no fic ready to post yet either for a bit.


And finally, three fic recs.

- double_helix did a moody Willow and Giles fic for the Willow/Giles ficathon. Yes, that's my name on the beta list, but double_helix gives me far too much credit - the whole story was there, I just pointed out a couple tenny things.

Generally I'm not a huge fan of Giles/any Scoobie stories. This one, though, deals with, instead of avoiding, the parent/teacher threads that generally give me the willies.

- agentotter posted a string of latin-phrase inspired ficlets. (SG-1). Latin-phrase-inspired ficlets - how cool is that? My favorite so far (haven't read them all) is - ave atque vale - hello and goodbye -.

- musesfool posted a truly creepifying and mind-wrenching fic called No Satisfaction. (HP) Those teacher/student vibes I was talking about earlier? This one sees that line and slinks straight across like a jaguar, all muscle and claws. I'm not explaining myself well, except to say that this is how, IMO, that subject/pairing *should* be handled.

I should rec more of the fic I like.

recs:btvs, meta:fandom, meta:fanfic, recs:other

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