Recs: Multiverse

Aug 07, 2004 16:57

Multiverse2004 is up and running. Go, read, send feedback.

And send andrastewhite and sabine101 big thank yous for putting it on.


Edit Now with one extra story I forgot.End edit.

Ya'll should love me muchly for this. Not only am I hogging the B&B's comp to post this, did the other one find out I'm conducting fannish biz whilst on vacation, I would shortly thereafter be walking back to DC.

So, without further ado and before the author's names come up, I bring you my Multiverse2004 recs.

Note: This is not a comprehensive list as I have not read all the stories. Feel free to rec me things in fandoms I don't normally read in the comments. I reserve the right to add to this list, even after I find out who wrote what.

as wont to do is a lovely FS/SG mix that gracefully brings Daniel into Inara's world. This one is one of my favorites. I keep re-reading it for the atmosphere and the emotion.

blood, like apples, like fire rips Ben Sisko from ST:DS9 and delivers him into the hands of River Tam. Terrifying and shaking in its imagery. Everyone who wants to write FF should read this, and see why Jayne was right from the get-go.

Crosses and Naughts is one of about a zillion FF/FS cross-overs, this one more a straight-up universe meld than some of the rest. Sad, bitter Mal, lost Aeryn, each looking for things they aren't going to find. *I* thought the begining dragged a bit, and the ending (which I loved) might turn off some non-shippers, but woven through out were bits of Mal and Aeryn and Zoe and Wash that could have come straight off the shows. Aeryn is a pilot, and a fighter, and Mal is not, and a dozen other things to show this author knows the characters.

I'm including Down by the Docks more because it was an anti-multiverse than because of the pure strengths of the story - in this case, two characters met and interact - well in character for the life-stage they're both going through, IMO - but the separate universes they inhabit get little attention. However, the setting and the shared universe charm - I loved the sun-in-the-ice scene. And I like to see authors doing things not-quite like many others did, and this look at Starbuck and Inara did just that.

Another FS/FF fic is Evens and Odds (and I'm wondering at all the 'this and thats' and 'cross' refs in the titles. A theme, I think, heh.) This is Aeryn and Zoe, and another one of my favorites for this ficathon. Slow and sad. If there's more to this story, I'd like to read it.

Fake Plastic Trees is FS/SG, but with John and Sam. (I missed this one the first go round as it was added late.) This story is....weird and sad and far more in character for John than I'd like to admit. The summary says it all: Who knew the world could end, and he wouldn't have anything to do with it.

Not so much a rec as a "look! author doing kewl things!" - Five Lives that Never Happened to Zoe. The author uses five different universes (not all tv) to hook up Zoe and Aeryn. Had I my prefs, we would have seen more to the stories than the brief expo shots we go. But go, read, try to guess the universes. *Then* click on the comments.

Looking Glass House is an odd little FS/SG/Alice in Wonderland mix. Jack and John try to out do each other with the snark, and the result is very funny. I'd like to see this author do more FS/SG.

And look! Again, another FS/SG cross-over! (I blame the wormholes. Also UR.) My Kingdom for a Horse (Of a Different Color) (and that title's a Dorothy of Oz ref or I'll eat my hat) is that rare creature, a T'LacTeal'c fic!. With *Crais* of all people. (I think this might be Andraste herself.) Very good, very clear T'Lac Teal'c, with a John that (as Shaye said) is John distilled to a higher proof than we normally saw on the series. Funny and touching.

Some people might not like The Trouble with Trillbats. It's...not as heavy as many of the ficathon's entries, and doesn't take itself quite as seriously. But I thought it great fun. It features one of the tougher assignments - Odo and Pilot - and the story pulls the (ampersand) interaction off quite well. Plus, there are great Crichton and Quark moments as well, which are always a plus.

And finally, writ just for lil'o'me, is Pain Never Stopped Us, a FS/FF cross over that bends the mind just about to the point where it breaks. I keep re-reading this one, but it shimmers like River, like a mountian river over a shoal - you can see clear through, but never straight. My delight in this has yet to be measured. If you like your D'Argo resolute and your River crazy, I think you'll like it too.


As I said, I haven't read everything, and I may well have more recs after I finish reading them all.

meta:buffy-angel, recs:btvs, recs:fs, recs:ff, recs:other

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