Links for a Saturday am

Jun 28, 2008 09:36

From Wired - Inconvient Truths - Changing what it means to be "green". A counter-point article is linked from that page, for those who still want to eat organic, loathe nukes, and use words like "frankenfood".

(A full discussion of the issues would need far more space than the article offers - my own opinion is that, (as a change-suspicious stick-in-the-mud) that to the extent that "green-ism" idolizes "the good old days" and uses metrics of aesthetics, it's wrong. Where it looks at whole-picture costs and benefits, promotes new tech and permits public decision making, it's very very good.)

Still on that note: State of Florida to buy US Sugar. (Yes, the deal was done in secret. Florida, land swamp deal, any one?) A couple notes: 1) Sugar is highly substidized in the USA - for now. I think part of US Sugar's motivation was the realization that subsidies weren't going to last for forever. 2) Republican governer. 3) This is a *significant* chunk of land...but it's not everything needed.

Social Networking All The Time Heh. I don't think the irony is lost on the article's author. Also? I've never even heard of most of those tools.

Finally - another Lymond quote that needs an icon - Chi scrire a chi non responde O egli e matto, o egli ha di bisogno 'Who writes to one who doesn't reply, is either a fool, or in need...' Which, I think, sums up a lot of lj.
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