Despite The Sunburn. . .

May 17, 2008 17:43

 Today has been a pretty good day so far, for me anyway. I got up early this morning so I could get my fishing license. A good friend and I have been trying to find time for some fishing, but something always comes up so we have not been able to till today.
We got out to the dam around nine and started casting. Despite our persistence it was just too windy to get anything. We packed things up around noon and drove back into town to grab a bite to eat at the new restaurant that just opened up last week: Hooters.

I know, I know, "Hooters is so tacky".

Well yeah, but have you met me? I am tacky, I enjoy the female form and I enjoy food. I get to be a pig twice over. The place really is the best. The food isn't the best, but it is serviceable, and really who goes to Hooters for the food?

While sitting there taking in the atmosphere I realized something; I was in the sun for a long time and my arms were a little warm. Ahhhh, the first sunburn of the year. I rubbed on some aloe a few minutes ago, it feels awesome! My buddy and I were planning on heading back out this afternoon but the wind advisory has been extended to nine tonight. We might try and go in the morning but who knows.

Tonight I wouldn't mind "partying" it up a bit. I am really in the mood to have some fun. I have been in contact with some old friends and it has rekindled feelings that I knew were there but had been shoved deep down. It is nice. I just kind of want to celebrate. I wish my friend was here with me right now, and then things would be perfect, despite the sunburn.
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