Something that's really, really pissed me off

Aug 06, 2011 13:18

Walking to my local libary today (to use the computer I am using now), I spotted a campaign/organisation table set up outside. There is usually some kind of campaigning going on just outside the libary, but this one caught my attention. Mostly because of this, which was written in big letters on a poster:

Please boycott the following charities:

- Cancer research
- The British Heart Foundation
- The National Alzheimers Society

The protest was being held by an anti-animal testing group.

Now don't get me wrong, I think animal testing is sick. I think the testing of cosmetic products on animals is barbaric, and  struggle to believe it is actually legal in this country. If people want to know whether their mascara is safe to use, then they can smother their own face with it. It is utterly barbaric that animals should have to suffer for human greed and vanity.

But however, as for the animal testing in aid of human medicane, while once again it is a sickening and awful concept, it is necessary. The medical research using animals has been responsible for discovering countless cures and treatments for life threatening illnesses. It is thanks to animal research that people can survive things like cancer. Many of us owe our lives to it.

And the charities that these people were asking us to boycott are three of the leading and most important charities in the UK. Cancer Research is responsible for finding cures and treatments for cancer, and is responsible for many breakthroughs in cancer treament. It also funds awareness campaigns about cancer, free screenings, and support for cancer sufferers and their families. The British Heart foundation also does great work in raising awareness on healthy living. And I don't think I need to explains why the NAS does. My honest response when I read what was written on their poster was 'Oh, piss off!'. I'm sorry, maybe I'm a evil, cold hearted bitch, but I'd rather sacrifice some monkeys than have my little brother die of cancer. I'd rather have a few hundred pigs die so thousands of children with Lukemia can live. Are these people honestly saying that if their child was to get cancer, they would rather let them die in favour of animal testing? Have they got any relatives with cancer? Do they know the suffering it causes? Do they honestly believe that it would be better for thousands of children to die every year? If the answer is genuinely the latter, then they make me sick.

And like HELL I'm going to abandon these charities. They do incredible work, save thousands of lives every year, and deserve our support. There are some awful things that need doing to save people from life threatening or life limiting illnesses, but for the sake of the thousands of people who suffer from them, it is necessary. Sad and horrible, but necessary. And beyond the research side of their work, they provide amazing, invaluable support and help to people affected by cancer, heart disease, and alzheimers. If these people think that I, or anyone else, is going to abandon these wonderful charities, then they can just fuck off.

rants, animal testing

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