It's the summer holidays now. Six weeks off from college. Yes!!
During the holidays, there are a couple of things I want to get round to. One is finishing reading Wandering Son. I'm on chapter 91, and I only have a few more chapters to go. I'll probably finish reading it tommorow. I am in love with this manga so much ^^! It's just so beautiful.
The characters were 11 when the manga started, and they are about 15/16 now, I think. I look back at this point and see how much they have grown over the course of the series. I found it sad how Shu was received when he came to school as a girl. When he was deciding whether to do it or not, I was having mixed feelings; part of me was mentally willing him not to do this as I could predict how it would turn out, and another part of me wanted him to do this for himself. It was sad how, despite the fact that Takatsuki and Chi-chan also came to school dressed as boys, it was Shu who was the only one who was sent to the nurses office. That it was Shu who was the only one who got sent home. They acted like he was sick. It also made me sad that he cut his hair. It's like he's giving up.
And once I've finished reading the manga, I'm also going to watch the anime. I don't usually watch animes online, and don't often watch animes in general, but after seeing this clip I knew I just have to watch the anime as well. It just looks so painfully beautiful.
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There's also the trailer for the series here. It really gives you a feel of the series, and the anime looks just so beautiful. I really can't recommend this series enough, as manga or anime. It really is one of the most beautiful things you will ever see. If you can't be bothered to read the manga, then do check out the anime.
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As for other stuff I'm doing, I'm also continuing to read the Nanao compliation book New Kimono. This book is brilliant, and is visually gorgeous! I love this book so much ^^! It's one of my best buys in ages. If you have an interest in kimono, design, textiles or fashion, I really can't recommend this book enough! This book is a must have for anyone with an interest in kimonos! And it is in English, if anyone is wondering.
And according to Neo magazine, apparently the first DVD of K-on is released next month here in the UK, which I think I might order, as it looks interesting. The animation looks great, the music seems good, and it seems quite popular. Has anyone here seen it, and could tell me a little about it? Would you recommend it?