Good news, the Tsubasa OVAs are finally being released in America. The bad news is, of course, that I live in the UK, and so I'm not sure when it will be released here. But the fact that it's actually been liscensed by funimation means that hopefully, at some point, it will make it's way here. But then again I say that and, how long ago was it the XXXHolic and Tsubasa movie were released in the US? 2 or 3 years? And it's still not been released in region 2. Damn it, why does everything miss the UK?!
But moving on from frustrated ranting, and on to further bad news, the OVAs have been dubbed in English. By the original cast. Oh, god, I can imagine how the english dub cast have destroyed these OVAs. The dub of the Tsubasa series was so bad I felt embaressed for them, and they really will destroy Tokyo revelations. It doesn't matter so much about Shunraiki as that was a bit of an anti-climax anyway, but they really will ruin the melancholy beauty of Tokyo revelations.
But anyway, the DVD and Bluray will be released in january, and the extras include textless opening and closings and actor commentries. It costs about $25.99 on amazon and is available for pre-order now.