Title: Yuletide Greetings
Characters/pairings: UK/US
Rating: M for smexy times
Warning: First time writing smut not in an RP
Summary: England has never been to a Christmas tree farm. America needs to fix this.
A/N: Lol, what a horrible title, but it took way too long for me to think of one and I have finals. orz (What the hell are you doing writing
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*high fives*
Anyway, you do me proud, gurl. Great stuff. >W< It was pretty realistic, to a point. *personally hates authors who seem to think lube-less sex is any good*
And the description of the tree-hunting was great! >W< I remember going once with my dad as I kid. God, I swear we must have went to the same place or something. (Even the road fits the description! But God knows how small the roads are up in the mountains. v.v) o.o' It was freezing, and I think there was a little snow, but I remember the big-ass saws and the coffee stand. =w=' But I think my dad strained his back cutting down the tree. XD
And all the little comments on CA did not fall on unappreciative eyes. OWO Yes, there is never enough rain in December. D:
Anyway, cute story, nice smut. I wouldn't mind if you added a bit more detail about how they were feeling though. >//W//< I think you should work a little on giving some more details and stuff, since it felt just a liiittle rushed. But, otherwise, ( ... )
Snow? Nope, too far north for me. I'm near a rather large city (hint hint).
It sure as shit rained enough for me today. Ugh.
Ah, yes, thank you for your criticism. I love these comments. The smut actually gave me quite the block for almost two weeks. Finally I just said, "fuck it" and wrote what I felt. I will definitely take this to heart for my next pieces. <3
Btw, you ever go to Fanime? If so, we could say hi to each other at the Hetalia photoshoot! :3
I know, right? Good thing I love the rain. It's pretty lame that it didn't rain during PE, though.
XD I should take a leaf out of your book. I've been sitting on this smut thing for weeks now, and they haven't done anything yet. OTL
And I am known for giving long, helpful reviews. It's just my thing. BD
I'm looking forward for progress in your next piece!
...ohmygod, did you go last year? Maybe you saw me - I was dressed up as Gaga with coke cans in my hair.
But yes, I've already bought my tickets for next year. XD
Ah, I did not go to Fanime last year. My first time ever not going. I was in Japan. But I am going this year and will be baby England as well as Cowboy America.
I enjoy your thing of giving the long, helpful reviews. They mean quite a lot to me as a writer. I'm always looking for ways to improve.
Ooo~! Japan! Well worth missing Fanime, I'd say. XD I'm going as Gaga again, so we should totally hook up and take some awesome pictures. BD
Well, if you post more (*hint, hint*) I have more to review and comment on. owo'
Hell yeah, we totally should meet up. I wanna see this outfit of yours now.
And I will be postin' more. I just did today. :3
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