Quick post of FYI:
I have a new blog:
http://cgoverts.blogspot.com/I thought it might be nice to have a more professional blog for my writing, and I'm planning to update it once a week with my writing progress. I am still planning on posting here on LJ as well, and there may be a bit of time of figuring out what to post where, along with some cross posting :P
I changed my username on twitter:
http://twitter.com/ClaireGovertsAgain I want to have more of a professional writing presence. Seeing as how most of my tweets are writing related and I'm following/being followed by other writers it seamed more logical to rename that account instead of creating a new one. I do have some fellow handmade craft people on twitter, and I'm debating about setting up a second account devoted to my jewelry/craft stuff. But until I start photographing my work more I'm not going to set one up just yet. (If I do post more hand-craft tweets/re-tweets I don't want to flood my writing stream with them.)
http://twig7998.deviantart.com/ - me on DeviantArt .I've had that account awhile, but figured I'd include the link here with mentioning my non-writing art. Because I want to publish someday, I don't really have anything written up there, aside from a few poetry pieces. (I'm saving first publication rights for anything longer).