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Feb 01, 2007 20:42

There comes a point in everyone's life when you ask yourself, "Who am I really?" "What is my purpose here?" There comes a time in everyone's life when people decide that they want to become someone they arent and end up hurting everyone who even cared about you in the first place.

Makeup and Clothes don't make you. You make yourself. As a wise old person said, "Life isn't about finding yourself, Life is about creating yourself." Creating yourself can be hard, like drawing or painting something. First you pick the paints/markers, the things you want to build yourself with. It could be your brains, your personality, your clothes, your popularity - anything YOU want. You can't let someone else pick the crayons for you. Next, you pick the painting, what you want to become. It's your ideal image of what you want yourself to be. Along the way, the painting becomes different, there could be an extra color, a color taken away, an item put in an item taken out. Just like life, things change along the way. You can take something out of your life or add something into your life. When your painting is done, it's always a little different then you imagined it to be. But it's always basically the same. Like your life, you always start at a point, maybe swerve off a little along the way but you always get where you're going. But there are some instances where you are forced to change part of your painting. Sometimes you gotta fix something in your painting. Just like life. You can become something but then people either hate you for it or you just dont like it. It feels different then what you wanted.

Here's my story:

I came to KCD. I was a nobody, a nothing there. I met Krisha. We were friends for a little but she was too different from me. I didn't think we could be friends. Then there was KT amena and nuha, who pretended to like me. At least KT. Who always whispered in front of me with nuha. So I actually used to hate Nuha. But now we're tight. Then I met Eva. She changed me - a lot. Teresa was my close friend too but... she got jealous of me and Eva being so tight. Then there was Sarah and Ania who I grew apart from in the end of seventh grade. Eva+Teresa+Ania+Sarah+and I spent our lives obsessing about anime. People hated us for that. I don't even know why I did it. It's pointeless now to want to marry a character from a freaking t.v. show. And at the end of seventh grade, I knew then everything was screwed. Eva started getting closer to Niz, Paige, and Krisha, who in turn had accepted Teresa into their clique. Terrified of losing my only friend, I followed her and ended up having a good time.

Summer came and went and eighth grade followed. Eva was still hanging out with Paige, Krisha, Niz and Teresa and I of course followed along. Eva became close with Krisha and after an incident with Paige, Eva and I stopped hanging out with them as much. Then Eva and Niz got closer. Due to an incident in sixth grade they stopped being best friends, but now they were back and closer then ever. Sad and distraught, I turned to a few new friends (Paige+Krisha+T) for comfort. I ended up finding more then comfort - I found a new group of friends. For about three months I was livin the life. We were the most popular, prettiest, and most well-liked girls in our middle school. Then I lost control. I let the popularity get to my head a little bit and i became really bitchy to the point where no one liked me for about 2 weeks. I was even ostrazied from my own group of friensd. When Paige, Teresa, Eva brought it to my attention that I was even doing that, I was completely shocked. I didn't even know that I was being bitchy so for about a week now, I've been trying to change myself. And it's working. My friends are actually going back to talking to me now.

But.. Eva, I don't know. The popularity got to her head too a little bit. She's completely different from the Eva I knew at the beginning of the year. Granted I am too, but... I guess I shouldn't be so judgemental. But I have a feeling Eva won't forgive me for a while. It took Eva over a year and a half to forgive Niz for what she did to her.

Well. That's my little life+proverb.

Life is like a painting. Make it along the way

Much Love

♥ Sakura ♥
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