I'll be posting my ficlets (though they've mutated on me already) in batches of five, every five days. Please comment!
Sometimes, looking like a child was useful -- such as when he was in a candy shop. However, right now, it most definitely was not. Mayura had insisted on taking him out to play in the snow.
Loki was a fire god. Snow was not only cold...it was wet. He knew he'd be miserably sick tomorrow, but he couldn't just tell Mayura that he didn't like snow.
The only consolation he had was that she'd decided to try sledding with him...and she wasn't very good at it. They kept ending up off the sled and in the snow, with her on top of him.
Now, if only he was in his true form, it would be so much more fun...
Mayura was very worried. She'd always thought that Loki was very healthy, and now he was sick in bed with a fever. She blamed herself. She was sure that he'd be fine, if she'd not insisted that he go sledding with her, and then kept trying to actually get down the hill while still on the sled.
The vast size of Loki's bed in comparison to himself only make him seem smaller and weaker. She'd insisted upon watching over him for the afternoon, and had started out sitting on the edge of the bed.
As time passed, she moved further onto the bed. There was, after all, enough space for two full-grown people on the bed...
By the time Yamino came to tell her that she should go home for the night, she was completely on the bed. She was also sound asleep, cuddling Loki. Yamino smiled and left to call her father and tell him that his daughter'd fallen asleep there.
Loki yawned, and sleepily wiggled closer into the warm embrace of whomever it was in his bed with him.
His eyes snapped open as he remembered that he was in the form of a child. He stared for a few minutes at the pink-haired girl who was cuddling him.
Then he closed his eyes and went back to sleep, smiling happily. This almost was how he'd like to spend winter...
The scent of chicken soup filled the house, as Yamino took care of the two sick people upstairs. Mayura was cheerful, even with her cough and her fever, and was doing her best to keep Loki company.
Right now she was telling him stories.
Yamino couldn't help but wonder how the Norns would feel about the Ghosts of Christmas Past, Present, and Future.
Loki dreamed, held close by Mayura in her sleep, empty bowls of soup sitting nearby awaiting removal.
Loki walked through the snow, on his way home. He wasn't quite sure why he was in his true form, but it felt unimportant. He knew his home would be empty -- his sons had gone on a trip (something about cooking?) and he was taking care of himself for a few days.
He paused as he reached his door and found it staring at him. He didn't remember having a door-knocker...and particularly not one with his blood-brother's face.
He blinked, and when his eyes opened again there was a mysterious door-knocker attached to his door, but at least it didn't look like Odin. Or stare at him. With a mental shrug, he went inside. His son must have put it up just before leaving...