no-obligation cry for moving help TONIGHT

Feb 28, 2008 11:47

Hey everyone! Due to a bunch of weird last-minute developments, we're actually going to start moving TONIGHT at around 9 pm or so. Though we were able to get movers to come tomorrow afternoon, we're going to try to move as much light stuff tonight as possible so as to get it out of the way and to make the movers more efficient and so on. By light stuff I mean bags of clothes, a box full of nothing but coat hangers, boxes of shelf-stable food stuff from the kitchen, lamps, music equipment, a box full of feathers, that sort of thing - NO HEAVY LIFTING AT ALL OR NONE REQUIRED.

So if the idea of coming over from about 9-whenever you want to stay until sounds really appealing, HELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLP. It'll be super-easy and unlike helping someone move - it's more like carrying something light downstairs and across the street.

I won't be offended if nobody volunteers for this at all, as you've got about 9 hours notice and it's a chore, but I figured I'd solicit help if anyone's interested.
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