Aug 10, 2008 00:55
I'm finally getting a chance to finish watching the opening ceremonies. It's the Parade of Nations and I want to punch whatever the color commentator guy's name is in the face. Well, I have the whole time, but that's beside the point. I wish I could shut them off and just watch with the sound of the stuff.
Anyway, I do love looking at the looks on some of these people's faces. Most of them. There are the ones trying to remain all cool, the ones just beaming with glee, and the ones with jaws dropped. The woman with the flag in the country before Panama (this mon-alphabetical thing is getting irritating) is the perfect example of just glee. She was adorable.
The ceremony itself was fucking trippy.
Oh, China. I'm at quite a conflict watching these that I suspect will go on for the whole games.
(Nice, Bush. You were on camera looking bored and checking your watch during the nations thing. Nice.)
On one hand I'm like, HEEEEEE CHINAAAAAA I HEART YOU. And it makes me so excited for them in their little coming out ceremony blah blah blah yay for China. But then I'm like... so I wonder how the people whose homes were usurped for this stadium and who were never compensated as promised are feeling right now? My AI hat tightens painfully around the temples every time I get excited about the games. Oh, I just don't know.
I did just learn that the "s" is silent in Laos. Huh. Well now you know, I guess.
I was watching a bit of Cananda/China soccer game earlier, and those women were positively dripping wet with sweat. God, I can only imagine. blech.
These cheerleaders are seriously amusing me.
In other news, Vanessa and I saw Mama Mia! the show tonight in Cleveland. SO fun! Yay for happy dance funny music. Perhaps the best part was how not a single person on that stage was taking anything that was going on seriously. Way too cool. Omgwtfbbq.
Why do the womens' Hungary uniforms looks as though they were all gunned down earlier? Sigh.
OMG Andorra I love you. "That's almost 20k more people than are in our entire country!" Yes, yes it is. Because Andorra is the greatest.
I like listening to the Chinese names of the countries. Some of them are such a mouth full.
They are actually sort of talking about China's involvement in Sudan. Granted, it's largely because of the revoked visa issue, but still. I'm impressed. NBC is doing a lovely job of giving these guys four hours to talk and somehow just not talk directly about any of the issues here. Not that the commentary on the Opening Ceremonies is really the place for political statements and controversy. Still.
Dumbass commercial: women most certainly did not watch the Olympics in Greece. And they most certainly wearing clothes while competing.
OK, I take that back. They're commenting on controversy, but they're being assholes about it. "They happen to be the daughters of the Prime Minister, but that's probably just a coincidence." Fie.
Whoa. 14 year old British Diver. Yikes.
I have NEVER heard of Tuvalu. But I think I like it.
Oh I am too tired, but I have watched this damn parade this far. Plus, I'm not sure how many of the characters they are counting in this stroke order thing but we have 9.
God, our uniforms are ridiculous. I liked the Project Runway designs about a million tiems more. Ah Ralph Lauren. This explains it. Weak.
Yeah Sri Lanka!
I'm at New Zealand and here is still ANOTHER HOUR according to the DVR clock. I think it's time for bed.
Also of concern: how much stock does one place in a drunk phone call I love you? Oh, mysteries of the universe.