KyuMin Drabble

Apr 29, 2013 00:37

Title: What are we?
Author: horsiwon
Pairing: KyuMin
Rating: PG-15
Genre: Fluff

A/N: Just try to write this story because my brain is nagging.No beta.

Lips locking. Arms tightening. Moaning. Sighing. Desperate. Passionate.
Then when it ended,all they could see just sparkling love,reflected on their eyes.

"What are we?" Sungmin asked.
"What do you think we are?" the other asked him back with smirk adorning his face.

"I asked you to answer that question,dummy.Not to ask me the same one!"
and a pout appeared.

Sighing, he stole a peck and answered with an-oh-so-obvious answer,
"Listen to me,OngMing-ah, because I won't answer the same question later.
I am not your loyal roommate.Not even your true lover..."

"What?So I am not..."
"No,you are not my best friend,or even my boyfriend..."

"Why you are..."
"Because you are, Lee Sungmin, is this person's future, my partner of life, Cho Kyuhyun's soulmate.
There. Fullstop.Enough.No repeat.Sleep."
And he turned his back to Sungmin.


And after a couple of breaths,Sungmin with a wide smile, though his eyes glistening with happy tears, could notice somebody's ears were red.
"Kyu,you are so cute. Could you repeat that?" Sungmin pulled Kyuhyun's shirt.
"Ming, SLEEP."
"One more time and you'll get your Starcraft Limited Edition this week.PLEASE?"
Two sleepy eyes stared back at those bright and round eyes.

"NO,you fat tricky bunny.Now,SLEEP."
"Ming,we have to do our big show tomorrow morning.SLEEP.NOW."
"You can say,please, you know."
"And I'm not fat,mind you..."
"And you're just too embarrassed to admit that you're shy,aren't you?"
only Kyu's snore as the answer.
With contented heart,Sungmin closed his eyes and began to sleep,a smile on his face.

And they were sleeping so peacefully,hugging each other.

well...until Donghae kept knocking so annoyingly on their hotel room's door the next morning.

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