
May 16, 2005 20:43

[ 1 ] First grade teacher's name: mrs dodd

[ 2 ] Last word you said: ok..i was told to clean my room

[ 3 ] Last song you sang: "welcome to my life" by simple plan..did any of you catch the conan o brien segment with the "hot guy" lmao...

[ 4 ] Last person you hugged: parag...or addy....they were both after school so...

[ 5 ] Last thing you laughed at: matt scolding my parents for not appreciating the lord of the rings soundtrack..he just came over to borrow a book

[ 6 ] Last time you said i dont fucking remember: considering i dont say that (i say effing or freakin..) never

[ 7 ] Last time you cried: on the way to frisco (thurs night)
[ 8 ] What's in your CD player: the band to not yet hit the so buying their cd when i go to england

[ 9 ] What color socks are you wearing: they have the canadian leaf and flag all over them and white
[ 10 ] What's under your bed: i have drawers...with stuff in stash of sweets, and college brochures which i dont need anymore

[ 11 ] What time did you wake up today: 615
[ 13 ] Current hair: down...irritatingly the same

[ 14 ] Current clothes: pants and my brat sweatshirt..oh and do forget my chucks

[ 15 ] Current annoyance: the fact that my room is a mess (to messy to clean) and i have no money to buy a prom ticket
[ 16 ] Current longing: wow..where should i start..
[ 17 ] Current desktop picture: mmmm yummy guys..famous ones

[ 18 ] Current worry: money..i need it badly
[ 19 ] Current hate: boys...specific ones...(ok maybe not hate) then i guess some of the drama thats going around
[ 20 ] Current favorite article of clothing: my new hardrock cafe jacket..or my soulfire shirt *sigh*
[ 21 ] Favorite physical feature of the opposite sex: eyes...the abs are always nice too
[ 22 ] Last CD that you listened to: the killers "hot fuss"

[ 23 ] Favorite place to be: hm..that all depends on the mood..i guess on a place ever

[ 24 ] Least favorite place: wherever the drama is at[ 25 ] Time you wake up in the morning: 6-615
[ 26 ] If you could play an instrument, what would it be: clarinet union! i guess id want to better my limited, sucky ass skills at the guitar

[ 27 ] Favorite color(s): blue
[ 28 ] Do you believe in an afterlife: yeah heaven all de way!
[ 29 ] How tall are you: 5'5" maybe almost 5"6
[ 30 ] Current favorite word/saying: hot damn! dammit...what the f (i actually just say the letter f)

[ 31 ] Favorite book: you kidding? thats like asking me to pick between my children
[ 32 ] Favorite season: winter cuz i like the break and the cold...then summer cuz no school and i get to surf!
[ 33 ] One person from your past you wish you could go back and talk to: hehehehe...

[ 34 ] Favorite day: friday

[[[ FUTURE ]]]
[ 35 ] Where do you want to go: to college? Cal poly[ 36 ] What is your career going to be like: veterinarian woot woot

[ 37 ] How many kids do you want: 2-3 two boys and a girl
[ 38 ] What kind of car will you have: a sexy mustang
[[[ HAVE YOU EVER... ]]]
[Gotten in a fight w/your dog/cat/bird/fish, etc]: lmao yes..stupid cricket..shes a fiesty brat

[Been to New York?]: yes, buffalo..there are no buffalo in buffalo sadly
[Been to Florida?]: no
[Been to San Diego, Cali?]: like less than 2 hours away (with no traffic)
[Been to Hawaii?]: no
[Been to Mexico?]: yes, i love it there
[Been to China?]: no
[Been to Canada?]: yes, its cool there too (at least the east side is awesome)
[Danced naked?]: yes...when i was lil
[Dreamed something really crazy and then it happened the next day]: happens often enough[Had an imaginary friend?]: lmao "joe" lol but other than that no..and he wasnt even a real imaginary friend
[[[ RANDOM ]]]
[Do you have a crush on someone?]: eh..kinda

[Worst feeling in the world]: either when you hurt someone by doing something without thinking, or when you feel like no one cares about you

[What is the first thing you think when you wake in the morning?]: *groan* i so dont wanna wake up

[How many rings before you answer?]: dont know
[Future daughter's name]: let me get my list[Future son's name]: *Still searching*
[Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?]: yes..tons
[If you could have any job you wanted, what would it be?] id like to be ebert or roper..not them exactly, but be famous, televised, movie critics..or maybe those guys who test out video games lol
[Are you a lefty, righty or ambidextrous?]: righty
[College plans]: cal poly

[Piercings]: ears
[Do you do drugs?]: not illegal ones

[Do you drink]: eh not really..every once in a while maybe
[Who are your best friends?]: lol

[What kind of Shampoo and Conditioner do you use?]: garnier fructis, i just got it
[What are you most scared of?]: being alone my whole life (with 40 cats)
[What clothes do you sleep in?]: the old shirts my big bro gives me and pj pants

[Who is the last person that called you?]: matt, he needed at math book
[Where do you want to get married?]: somewhere beautiful

[If you could change anything about yourself what would that be?]: a lot... id want to change whatever it is that bugs people..:-(
[Favorite number]: 5 or numbers with 5 in it

[Are You Timely Or Always Late]: timely

[Do You Have A Job]: tea room baby

[Do You Like Being Around People]: depends..i like being around people i know 95% of the time..i hate people i dont know..and for the other 5% i want to be alone
[Best feeling in the world]: being joyful..more than happy

[Are you for world peace]: sure but its impossible

[Are you a health freak]: nah
[Do You Have A "Type" Of Person You Always Go After]: nope

[Want Someone You Don't Have Right Now]: yea[Are You Lonely Right Now]: yea
[Ever Afraid You'll Never Get Married]: hellz said that earlier
[Do You Want To Get Married]: yes

[You Want Kids]: definitely

[Cried]: no
[Bought Something]: food count?

[Gotten Sick]: ears..dammit

[Sang]:yes, simple plan remember?
[Said I Love You]: friends and family!
[Wanted To Tell Someone You Love Them]:in that way? maybe..i dont know what that kind of love is though..

[Met Someone New]:

[Moved On]: yes and no
[Talked To Someone]: yeah of course
[Had A Serious Talk]: yeah
[Missed Someone]: yes of course ;-), and in a different way too (i miss someone that i see everyday)

[Hugged Someone]: yeah parag and addy and melia
[Kissed Someone]: nooo :-( im such a loser
[Fought with Your Parents]: kinda..they are grumpy
[Dreamed About Someone You Can't Be With]: yes [Had A Lot Of Sleep]: hell no! tour is crazy..

but tour was fun

bus ride there, i sat with matt, we chatted, watched remember the titans and coyotee ugly, listenend to music, etc

stopped at cannery row..its was kinda neat, but kind boring..ate at bubba gumps

the forest gump trivia game was awesome..

and adam made a french fry flag and stuck it in my veggie platter

we shopped..etc..then went to the hotel..i had a bad time on the way from cannery row to frisco..i cried almost the whole time..court helped me feel better though (she called my cell and cheered me up)

the next day we went touring

our tour guide was a bitch

we hit up china town, and a rest stop featuring the golden gate bridge

i bought bug eyed, four dollar sunglasses in china town

the boys bought us girls flowers

we also go to go tour alcatraz

anli and i are on a boat on the way there (thats alcatraz in the background for all you ignorants)

i took this pic for parag

though by indians they meant native americans but eh lol

cracked glass is cool

shadows in the, jessa and anli

we also had dinner at the hard rock cafe

adam tried a veggie burger for the first time ever

i bought a cute jacket

and matt wore my cheap sunglasses while on the bus

the next day we performed, then headed to great america..then we had the awards banquet

vinny took a sunglasses pic with court's monkey, and my spyro (both with adam won)

and we had fun with push-up pops

anli and i stayed up till at least 3 every night (jessa and melia slept most the time) and we were up early every times.calling elyse past midnight..leaving crazy messages for parag

we even had the bright idea of sending reeses up to the boys floor via the elevator..we arranged the drop off and pick up..

it was past curfew..anli and i open the door and slowly peek our heads out to the left, then when we look to the right *bam* two chaps standing right there. we got scolded but the let us make the drop..they didnt trust us after that

i guess adam got busted on his floor too, but he payed off the chap with a few reeses

melia decided to look like the preppy asian by wearing my stilletos, wearing a "designer purse", a shopping bag, sunglasses, and talking on the cell

she also took a pic of herself with underwear on her head

i have some other pics that i didnt wanna upload here..ill prob get them developed soon
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