Mar 17, 2005 18:26

whew..what a crazy two weeks its been....

mr harris is such a better english teacher than mr theriot....*sigh*

sociology..crazy crazy...i love that class so much

TA for mcgarvey rocks...

so on to camping..

camping this past weekend was a lot of fun. it was great to have scott, matt, will, addy, anli, elyse, and april there this year

woo team carrol!

lol calling mr elliott "miss carol" was so much fun....

"if you call me miss carol..then...ill....call you names that you dont like!"


i missed having adam and court there..and even vinny at times oh and jen too...lol...didnt miss ben though (haha)

the first night was funny...we didnt get the usual camp spot cuz people were already there, so we camped near the lava tube that we go in...there was an abandoned cow pen that we decided to camp in...april picking up the ancient cow poo thinking it was a rock lol...man..that cow pen was sooooo scary when we first walked into it...

we got the tent up ok (after argueing with mr elliott on which poles go where..as if i didnt know my own tent)

me and addy shared out tent with clare, taylor, dalia, and rachel the first night cuz they forgot poles to their tent. anli, eylse, and april decided they wanted to try to sleep outside. the boys were soooo loud that night!

the next morning we set out for the cinder cones..i ironically got sick during the hike up there so i decided to take the trail that went around it instead of up, with mrs getten and rachel. rachel and i dusted mrs getten..kinda got lost, but then got to sit in the shade of the rv until everyone else made it back to the vans.

my friends could have all teased me bout getting sick, but they didnt (cept for elyse) so for that im really appreciative...

lunch was peanut butter and jelly outside of the vans..that was an expierance...fun stuff

puppy left his backpack on the hike up the cindercones, so sam and his carload decided to go get it..the last thing they were told was to not play around in the sand (in his suburb)

we found them 30 mins later stuck in the sand...wow ive never seen mr elliott so angry...

he cussed and cussed and cussed..and threw things, and cussed some more...

he must have called sam a dipshit a million times...

we then left them..but the other teachers guilted him in to going back and helping. we all dug and gathered rocks and things to get his car out..took like two hours, but we eventually got it out...it was well documented...

we then set up camp at a different camp site across from the dunes, then set out on the dunes. i decided to do it this year, even though i didnt feel well.

it took me forever to get up to the top, but anli stuck by my side the whole time, so by the time we reached the final summit, we had to help eachother climb..i love you anli!

the dunes were so great! too bad we didnt do them last year...i loved running then "skiing" down them

that night was fun..veggie hot dogs..lots of cookies...scott farting in our mosquito infested tent...stupid stink bomb...

the teachers around the camp fire were sooo funny..telling their inside jokes on teaching stuff like benchmark tests

mr warhurst is soo funny now that hes retired..he realizes that he can say virtually whatever he wants without getting in trouble...

the next day we packed up and headed for the granite mountains...i love boulder hopping/rock scrambling. that was when i got all beat up of course. i wisht it lasted longer.

we also got to go to the open pit mine again..threw rocks in..only this year there was a big rock slide so we couldnt go all the way down it

we took a stop in baker where anli and i had some gas station egg salad sandwiches (which were really good) while everyone else had jack in the box...

the ride home was fun

it was raining when we got to san dimas...i was freezing cuz i was still in my desert outfit

my bed was sooo comfy that night

and man did i appreciate having a toilet to go to whenever i needed to..instead of having to use the ground out in the open.

this week has been soo blah for me

ive been going to bed early and waking up late but i still cant shake being so tired..

darn camping

fro yo wasnt the same this week cuz there was no melia (aww) and no gilmore girls (aww)

addy, jen, and i still had fro-yo and we watched mary poppins (or more like fell asleep to..)

seaweed is gross!

i like skirring around addys house lol

i cant wait until tomorrow cuz not only do i get to sleep in, but its sadies! woot woot!

saturday is the math placement test for me for cal poly

and sunday is a work day for band

and i have to work on my skit for spanish..

fun fun...

^^mr elliott molesting addys bear...scary...

^^addy the first morning..it was freeeeeezing

^^me the first morning..brrrr

^^sam with his car stuck in the sand..notice how deep it is...

^^the first attempt at getting the burb out..

^^and the result of that first attempt..look how deep it is now....*Sigh*

^^up on a lava flow, waiting to get sams burb out

^^anli about to take the last part of the dune (thats not the one shes climbing though..and i do have a pic like this without her in it, if any of you want a cool desktop pic)

^^whew awesome dunes..you can see our campsite in this pic

^^some of us atop the sand dune..waiting to the right moment to go down

^^yay! running down the sand dunes!

^^yea...we fell....

^boy tent! (matt really is swatting at a bug in this pic)

^^girl tent!
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