Jan 26, 2005 17:43
wow..i dont know what i have to say..just that i should update...
winter formal :looking forward to it, but i am stressing bout somethings...
finals: oh gawd....
england:crosses fingers....to go for summer school..or to go for fun....that is the question..
books ive read:
the notebook..took me about an hour to read the whole thing...its sucks! nicholas sparks cant write...what a horrible waste of time...
Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events...good...short...but good...seemingly overly simple..but very complex if you read into it..
currently reading: war of the worlds...kinda boring thus far..but people are starting to die so...
alrighty..im done for now...i stole this from ericas xanga
First Best Friend: wow...before preschool..these girls named erica and stephanie (i still see steph sometimes)
First Crush: hehe...anthony..kindergarden..my parents have me on video tape "flirting" with him at the concert thingy we did (we were supposed to be singing xmas songs)
First Girlfriend/Boyfriend: um...garret traffis..we were good friends outside of school and we liked eachother so we were known as gf/bf..but that was like pre 7th grade...
First Car: 1998 chrysler cirrus..i love my car..power everything, leather interior, 6 cd changer (that is located in the front, not the trunk)
First Kiss: um..garret but that was on the cheek so....on the lips?: bryce, i think(he was dared to haha)...with a lil something extra?(lol): my ben
First Job: enchanted rose tea parlour
First Screenname: bigjess111 (my dad made it for me..i was like in 1st grade and AOL was brand spanking new)
First Album/CD: officially..no doubt: tragic kingdom..but i had this michael jackson cd that wasnt mine but i listened to it a lot
First Piercing/Tattoo: my ears when i was a wee lil one (had them done two more times before i was 3...they kept closing up..the ones i have now are from when i was 3)
First True Love: havent had one yet..but maybe im getting close..
First Enemy: hm..this girl sarah in 3rd grade..she was such a bitch, she wouldnt share her crayons with me! (she still goes to out school lol but i dont know her last name)
First Big Trip: new mexico when i was a newborn
First Detention: 4th grade..didnt do my hw...cried when she gave me detention, cried during the first 10 mins of detention, then got used to getting detention
First Time Dyeing My Hair: never dyed it..
First Formal Dance: homecoming sophomore year..it was a blast..
First Slow Dance: my aunts wedding..this guy named anthony (wow notice a trend?) was interested in me (he was 13 i was like 11 a month away from 12) haha..i wouldnt dance with him for the longest time..
First Time Breaking A Bone: havent officially (with a cast or brace) but the doc did say i broke my pinkie (well my uncle did it actually) and fractured my arm but never noticed..they healed funny though..
First Time Getting Really Sick: pneumonia..3rd grade...didnt get to go trick or treating
Last Cussed: i say crap and damn a lot..i dont usually say sh*t and i almost never ever say f*ck
Last Compliment: hm..dont get too many of those..
Last girlfriend/boyfriend: matteo
Last Crush: ha! yea right..still way too fresh...
Last time driving: about an hour ago..hung out with jessa for a bit
Last Big Car Ride: kernville this summer..good times..white water rafting rocks! and brooke, man was he hot
Last Kiss: wow..day after the day after x-mas (so the 27th of dec).. i miss you ben!
Last Good Cry: yesterday..wow was i sobbing...i hate being a girl sometimes..
Last Movie Seen: in the theatres? lemony snicket i think..on video: paparazzi or notting hill...i cant remember which i watched first
Last Beverage Drank: orange soda a subway
Last Food Consumed: veggie sandwich at subway
Last Phone Call: my padre to bring some items home from work
Last Show Watched: gilmore girls last night at 11..soo cute!
Last Time Showered: haha..try a month ago! just kidding..yesterday morning (wow..i should hop in right now...)
Last Shoes Worn: my converse all stars of course(hight tops)..
Last CD Played: Um..again not sure..either the dd 2 soundtrack or the killers..i believe it was the killers
Last Item(s) Bought: um...a thimble thing for my gma
Last Annoyance: wow..soo many..i can think of a few girls i am really not liking right now..but i guess mr theriot ...
Last Ice Cream Eaten: mint and chip..my fav
Last Time Wanting To Die: um..thought bout it yesterday, not killing myself, but being free. it was like "wow..i dont wanna put up with this crap anymore...it would be so much better in heaven right now..maybe ill get lucky in a car crash
Last Formal Dance: homecoming 04
Last Piercing/Tattoo: two ears when i was 3 (yes they are still pierced)
Last Birthday Celebrated: um stutis..though i guess saying happy birthday doesnt really count so..melias...