May 31, 2006 21:05
So I got RENT today and it really is one of my favorite movies seriously!
well i kind of decided that i really really really really really want to go to New York to see Wicked and RENT because yah that would be fun.. i think im might go over spring break next year or christmas break... i got to save up music... hopfully sometime next year i will be going to England as well. I donno........
But back to RENT
It has so many great messagesin it... and really brings the realness of the AIDs epidemic to life. Plus the singing is WONDERFUL. the music and lyrics are AMAZING! like seriously. Jonathan Larson was a extremelly talented composser and its so sad he never got to see the success of RENT before his tragic death. but really everyone needs to see RENT! ITs great and will open so many peoples eyes to things that they need to be aware of. Don't be turned off because its a musical the music is really upbeat rockish style youll like it seriously just go rent it... if you don't want to rent it call me up and we will watch it together so you don't have to "waste your money on it" but seriously EVERYONE must see RENT!!
no matter how many times i watch it i always cry.....its that good :)