Feb 19, 2006 17:20
ok so my dad is doing better he is out of trama ICU and now just in the ICU section he started talking and they were able to get the MRIs he has fractured ribs and broken vertabrea he has a full back brace on and yea he seems to be doing better i am back at home and my mom and grandma are going to be up there. Im not going to new orleans for spring break anymore so that means i can be at spring fling which is good i guess. my aunts boyfriend is going to come down and help me with driveing and ill be geting my liscense because i will have to drive my ddad to rehab
i get my bracers off thursday
i just hope my dad gets better fast.. im reeally worried about him... at first it was bad they thought he was gonig to die but im glad he woke up and is better now
well thats all
i love you all