Wow. So not having to be at School until 10:15 is amazing. Bwaha. Anyway, I feel kind of awful today. My stomach hurts because I did about 225 crunches last night when I've been slacking off for about a month. ><; I jogged 1.5 miles at 4.6 mph on a 5.5% grade on our treadmill last night. My ankles hurt from the grade. xD
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and i had no idea about oatmeal but that makes sense~! i actually don't eat during the day (which sucks. i cannot lose weight because my metabolism is like "do what now?" and i get very little exercise.)
i'm going to try to like, force myself to eat breakfast this semester. my mother sometimes gets this little tiny atkins energy bar things.. like, wtf i don't know there is one that looks like a kit kat bar and i've been able to eat half of it (i am sooooooo sick in the mornings that's mainly why i don't eat. even crackers or juice make me feel like barfing.) but those things are kinda chalky (haha yum!!!) and when i'm sick they have no flavour so they're easier to get down.
i also need to get active.. somehow. i hardly eat ANYTHING. so i think if i could force myself to quit being such a lazy ass (i say as i sit typing away at the computer) i would lose a ton of weight. i guess i'm lucky that according to people (not just people who are being nice) i really don't look like i weigh as much as i do.. but my joints and back know the dirty truth! and i desire to be healthy. :3
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