What a day!

Nov 09, 2007 23:47

Yesterday is definitely not going to go down as one of my best days.  I got off from work just in time to drive into Kzoo and go to the hospital for my EMG test.  Lots of electrical zaps testing the nerves in my arms.  The right arm, where I'd had the problem with numbness to my fingertips actually checked out okay.  There is definitely carpal tunnel problems, but probably not serious enough to need surgery.  I sat up to turn around so that they could check my left arm and got a bit dizzy and nauseated.  I normally don't have problems with that kind of thing, but I just put it down to my blood sugar maybe being a bit low.  They were a bit concerned when they tested the left arm.  I've had problems with my pinkie finger and ring finger for over a year now.   They have been numb and tingly, and I did have it checked when the symptoms first started.   At the time, nothing seemed wrong and they just wrote it off to diabetic neuropathy.  This time they did extensive testing of the ulnar nerve, including about 6 different pokes with needles and electrical zaps to the needles.  It wasn't as bad as I remembered it being, but that is because there is a BIG conduction problem with the nerve.  Joy.  My followup for that isn't until the 23rd because the hand doc is on vacation.  I've got to wait almost 3 weeks to find out when I'll have to have surgery done.  Oh goody, ugh.
Well, after I received this bit of "good" news, I sat up and got even dizzier and more nauseated than the first time.  I waited for it to pass, but it never quite went away, and every time I moved my head I got dizzy again.  I had to go have some blood work done, and as long as I was sitting and holding still, I was fine.  By the time I'd walked out to my car, I was almost ready to throw up, my head was spinning so bad, and my hands were shaking.  It took me SEVEN tries to get the glucometer to work to check my blood sugar, and it was 283!  YIKES, it sure ain't low!  I went over to the new endocrine doctor's office to talk to him about my blood sugar levels and see if he did want me to start the insulin.  Of course the answer was yes.  I tried to tell him that I REALLY didn't feel good, but he didn't listen at all.  By the time I got back out of the office, into the hallway, I was so dizzy that I could hardly walk.  I ended up clutching to the rail, and walking through the building to the ER.  By the time I got there, I was feeling pretty bad.  I couldn't hardly stand, and the first thing I asked for was a bucket, 'cause I thought I was going to puke.  The lady at the front desk took one look at me and grabbed a wheelchair for me and took me straight back to a room.  I guess I looked as bad as I felt.  One liter of IV fluid, a couple of medications, and about 3 hours later, and I feel TONS better.  I can stand up without the room spinning and move my head without getting dizzy.  All my bloodwork, except for the high blood sugar, was fine, and my ECG was normal as well.  I ended up getting sent home with a 'script for an anti-vertigo medication, and orders to take it easy for a couple of days.  
My old EMS partner had her last day of work and farewell party while I was in the ER.  I feel really bad about missing that, since I thought of her as a friend.  Not sure if the feeling went both ways since I found out just a couple of days before that she'd gotten married, and is moving to Gaylord.  She never said a word to me.  I'm hoping that it was just an oversight, and that she's just busy with all the changes and everything.  I wish her the best, no matter what.  She's a lovely person, and I really enjoyed working with her.  Aloha my friend.
I was supposed to go to school for a Physiology lab yesterday evening.  I got home about a half hour before class was supposed to start, which meant if I stopped to finally change out of my work uniform, I was going to be a bit late.  I was desperate to get changed out of my "monkey suit" and sat down on the bed to do that... then woke up this morning at 9am.  I must have been a bit tired to sleep 15 hours straight.  Today I felt much better.  Did a bit of putzing around the house, cleaning up after a busy week at work.  Then went and got my paycheck.  Ran my errands and spent an enjoyable evening at Red Lobster, using up some gift cards I had.  I was late for my local SCA meeting, and ended up missing the whole thing.  Not much happened, and I'm not sure I'd have had any useful input, anyway.  I'm thinking that, especially as I ramp up for the nursing classes that should start this summer, that I'm going to need to take a hiatus from the SCA.  That totally sucks, since I'm the regional Chirurgeon for Michigan, and I'm honored to have the post, even though there are apparently only 6 of us in the whole state.  I'll have to see how many file their Doomsday reports which are due in a month or so.  I'm not sure there will BE anyone that I can hand the office off to, since the Kingdom Chirurgeon is also in my region.  I'll have to see.
Well, that's been my "weekend."  I have to work in the morning, one of my usual 24 hour shifts, then a day off and I work again on Monday.  After that, I've got three whole days off.  I'll probably be spending my days off studying for an Anatomy test.  I need to score really well and pull my grade from a B+ up to an A, if I can.  Either way, it won't make a difference in my getting into the nursing program.  I just want to go in with as close to a 4.0 as I can.  The program I'm working towards is specifically for Paramedics who want to get their RN.  I'll do an intensive transition class over the summer, which will cover everything that I'd normally miss in the first year that I don't have already as a Paramedic.  Then, all I have to do is the last year of nursing classes, and I'll be eligible to sit for the nursing boards.  By May of 2009, I should be sitting for my RN license.  I can do this...  I just have to figure out how to afford it if I can't get the grant.
Time for bed, gotta be on time for work in the morning... Just have to remember to take my insulin shot tonight.  Start of a new chapter in my diabetes treatment.  whee.
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