
Mar 01, 2011 00:52

You know your boy is watching too many cartoons when he is making like a backseat driver, urging you to go faster, faster and pass the cars around you. Persistantly!

Or whenever we go by the auto dealerships, and he sees a lot of striped sport cars, especially the ones that actually do look like Bayverse Bumblebee, Josh will tell me "Wow! Lookit all the Bumblebees!"

Or that it makes more sense to him to say that there's a robot in our basement keeping out the water so it doesn't flood.

Or if he's sick with a stomach virus, the code word is that the "volcano is going to erupt"!

I still like how he called snow crab legs "Sharkodiles".

But this one just came out of the blue today. Walking through the parking lot to get to the grocery store, Josh sees a lady inside her car with her dark hair pulled back real tight and smooth into a pony tail. And then tell s me "Hey, I saw someone who looks like Zuko!" (Zuko, from Avatar the Last Airbender cartoon) XD

It wasn't nearly so easy to explain that some kids with bald heads aren't monks like Aang though... instead that they were sick and needed treatments. (he saw a commerical for kids with cancer not long after first getting into Avatar last November)

But then again, a really wild imagination is a talent not to be wasted! ^^
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