New Year 2011

Jan 01, 2011 19:08

Happy New Year everyone! 해피 뉴 이어!

I hope this year will be a lot better on the upside. Looking back, 2010 was a real doozy. It's something to think of all the worldwide crap that happened... from earthquakes, to volcanoes, to massive oil spills. My own life had pretty did a 180 as well. :p

But hey, as they say: what doesn't kill ya only makes you stronger!

I am doing my best to keep up my spirits, and continue my aspirations to become a better person in temperment and spirit for my husband and kids, family and friends. It's so easy for me to fall into a pit of despair about what I don't have that I forget all the blessings I do have. I rather keep my focus on what is more important.. the connections and memories with family rather than the stuff and material things (aside from the bare essentials needed to live)... this does helps me keep my sanity. Envy is my worse enemy. :p
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