(no subject)

Dec 28, 2005 18:00

I'm not saying this in defense of anyone so don't start feeling protective. You're one of the worst people I have the unfortune to be the same race as, look at yourself. Your whole year can be condensed into a few sentences, mainly reading out "I have three friends who I get drunk with, I make people cry and laugh, I argue and break up with my boyfrend, I get lots of stuff'. You are pathetic. Each time I talk to you you spill onto your journal how much of a loser I am because OMG I WZ FRIENDS WIT U B4. You should look at yourself.I'm clever, I'm going to uni, I've got a great family and friends and I'm a good person. You're 19 and i'm already ahead of you. I'm not proud for bringing this to 'livejournal' but how else can you look at yourself. seriously, look at yourself. Untill you have the courage to change your ways, don't talk to me. I cringe most of the time.
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