Apr 26, 2005 17:38
Well, I had to serve my fucking ASD today. Bastards Ryan and Greg got to only serve 35min on mon, but I had to serve the full ASD today.Bastards! Anyway all I got done was a Presidency sheet. And I also decovered that the majority of Black people are fucking stupid. Now I'm not raciest, but today... While in ASD the guy in charge was letting people go early if they answered his questions. So he first asks "Who was the second President?" and I was all like Adams, but he didn't call on me. Then he picks this black girl and she answers "Toma' Jeffason". I was like what a fucking moran. Then the guy says no, George washington because he served a second term. I wanted to beat his face in with my Presidents book. But wait that's not all... He then asks who was the 3rd president. I was like That's Thomas Jefferson, but no, he picks the same retarded black girl. And in an ebonic voice she says "Um...waddent dat du guy on da five dolla bill, um mista abe." I'm not raciest but right there I wanted to lyncher her just for saying that. Now I'm convinced that Racial equality should be a privilege not a right.