Oct 30, 2009 23:18
I get really upset when people typecast others because of their faith. A lot of occasions this year, I've been around people who just slag off Christians in front of me, or refer to them in a demeaning way. I can see where they're coming from because I have a lot of issues too with Christianity too but the more I think about it, isn't that a form of prejudice? Just like putting Muslims/gays/blacks in a box and making judgements without any attempt to understand the culture. It's really frustrating how society feeds on massive misconceptions and stereotypes fed by the media.
I don't believe Christians should be ramming the Bible down people's throats, nor do I think it's right for atheists to belittle the faith of others. I guess my utopia is a world where people are allowed to have their own truths and honour the beliefs of others. Yes, even Scientologists, if that rocks your boat and if it's fulfilling your life in a positive way, that's great. Faith (or non-faith for that matter) is a pretty far fetched idea, after all.
Another thing. Why do people think church goers have to be 'holy' and without sin? God doesn't love the Pope more than a murderer. He loves all, and he loves despite our brokenness, because of our brokenness.
Anyway. The musings of a semi-lapsed Christian who doesn't have the balls to verbalise coherent thoughts in real time.
personal reflection,