Dr. Who/Torchwood recs, Stargate, SPN

Oct 11, 2007 08:10

So, I just finished re-watching the last three eps of Season 3 Dr. Who with Perri, and now have fics to recommend while we wait for the next season. Plus a few other things.

Correspondence by evil hobbitess
DW/Torchwood, end of S3 spoilers. Gen/J/M? Jack and Martha write to each other, post "Last of the Time Lords", and slowly work their way past the trauma of the events of those last eps. Lovely Jack and Martha voices; one of those fics that becomes my personal canon.

Five Time Jack Harkness Never Interfered with Rose Tyler's Timeline (and one time he did) by travels_in_time

DW/Torchwood, S3 spoilers. Gen. "I went back to her estate...just once or twice. Watched her growing up. Never said hello. Timelines and all that..." A series of vignettes, showing what Jack did. Sweet and kind of achey, and a really good closure for Jack and Rose, who didn't get a real good-bye on the show.

Under the Skin, by HonorH

DW, Gen. AU Martha Jones meets our Rose-who's-stuck-in-a-parallel world. I really do like this one. For one thing, it ought to put the Martha vs. Rose debate to rest, since they would, the Doctor notwithstanding, probably end up friends if they ever met.

Where Ever I May Roam by IrenaK

Phone fic! heh. It starts with a drunk-dialling, and shows real character development as the Doctor and Martha keep in touch over time and space. Very, very funny, with no real spoilers for the ending of S3 either, except that Martha left the Doctor her phone, so she could call him. This is dialogue-fic, with an appearance by Donna, too, as well as the Torchwood crew.

Donna the Beta-Reader by nostalgia
Dr. Who. / Angel. Gen, with mentions of truly bad Angel slash. Written for the Writing Fanfic Challenge, the Tenth Doctor writes Angel fanfic. And Donna goes to town on it, because yes, he is *that* bad. Spit-take-on-the-monitor funny, and I seriously hope Donna is as cool in 4th Season DW as she is here.

Daniel's Thesis Day by greenconverses
A cute little AU, Daniel/Vala-ish. All Daniel wanted to do that Saturday was work on his thesis. The rest of the complex seems determined to stop him. Cute, short, fun idea of the SGC/A crews as college students, with Daniel being a big geek.

Nothing Up My Sleeve by Troll Princess
SPN, gen. Summary: So Sam's mastered his powers and defeated the crossroads demon. Now what?

So after a little bit of struggle and whole lot of trying not to be a murdering bastard, you can move things with your mind and read other people's emotions and know every other card on the table, and that, my friends, is how you rip off a casino.

It's also how you kick a demon's soul-stealing ass, but that's what we did last week.

Short and fun, and what I'd love to see Sam and Dean do after they get Dean out of his contract and deal with most of the rest of the demons. Perfect Dean voice in between dialogue bits, and the payoff is great.

butterflykiki, stargate: atlantis, torchwood, supernatural, stargate: sg-1

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