Old Fic Recs Updated, Part II

Sep 22, 2006 12:37

Three Men In A Bar by wabbitseason written for highlander100

Highlander/Love Boat/Cheers, very clever, very amusing.

Queer Eye For The Undead Guy by mpoetess

Queer Eye For The Fandom Guy by Yahtzee

and then let me walk away by not jenny
Stargate: SG-1. Daniel/Janet fic, rather bittersweet and angsty. Janet has a sort-of relationship with Daniel in this story, and it deals with her emotional reactions over the events of "Meridian" and "Homecoming." Short, but good. Definitely worth a read.

Nova by Beth/CG
A short, bittersweet HP/Sandman crossover rec I swiped from kirbyfest. Do not read this if you haven't read OotP.

Thanks to thornsilver's rec, I once spent an entire day reading the Cat-Tails Series by Chris Dee.

It is a screamingly hilarious (and long) series of fics wherein Bruce and Selina actually work out their issues and have a relationship. It's also Babs/Dick, Joker/Harley, and Two-Face/Poison Ivy to some degree or another. Catwoman calls Riddler "Eddie," Joker "Jack," and is friends with Harvey Dent and Two-Face--and it works. I've yet to get through even half of the stories, and I've been reading them for most of the day. The characterization is beautiful and the quippage is on a level with Buffy and Stargate (I'm not a big DC comics reader; I don't know how much the Bat-clan are with the witty comments).

There's apparently also a message board here which I plan on checking out once I finish the series.

Go. Read. Trust me, this is good stuff.

Reading Ahead by wabbitseason
X-Men movieverse. Charles and Magneto are reading the same series.

Confessions of the Formerly Ascended by B. Cavis
Stargate: SG-1. NC-17 fic. Daniel and the rest of SG-1, including Jonas, are at movie night at Jack's place, but the story focuses mainly on Daniel's actions at getting Sam and Jack together during his ascended days. Also has some very good Daniel-questioning-self friendship moments too.

Another Sleepless Night by MajelB
Stargate: SG-1. Teal'c doesn't need to kel'no'reem any more, but sleep comes with difficulty. Sam/Teal'c friendship piece. I like this one because we get interaction between two characters whom we don't see interact often enough on the show. It's a vignette, but the simplicity is its strength.

Adventures in Babysitting by Denise
Stargate: SG-1. Sam is stuck babysitting Young!Jack. "Fragile Balance" episode additions. While I believe Sam would bite her tongue rather than say some of the things she said, she's not wrong. Interesting, though non-'shippy, look at the relationship between the two characters. It gives an interesting depth to Young!Jack's decision to go back to high school. I don't agree with all of the characterization for Sam either, but it works in the context of the story.

Ambient by Brighid
BtVS. Short, bittersweet Spike/Dawn vignette, and one of the few that makes me believe the 'ship could happen.

Homecoming by Celeste
BtVS/AtS. Connor takes Dawn to Homecoming. Spike and Angel freak. Cordelia gushes.

To The Victor, The Spoils by Lex
Stargate: SG-1. The SGC discovers a previously unknown planet with oodles of tech and contacts with other worlds. Unfortunately, Osiris' Jaffa have also discovered the planet. Massive snark, the characterization I look for, and original characters who are used sparingly, have depth, and yet somehow manage to remain outside the realm of Mary Sues.

Friends and Other Disasters by Jennifer-Oksana
AtS. An interesting take on fifth season Angel Investigations-takes-over-Wolfram & Hart where the snark flows freely and everyone gets what's coming to them, including Lilah. Ends on a semi-cliffhanger, so I'm going to assume there's a sequel.

queer eye for the straight guy, not work safe, havocthecat, highlander, crossover, cheers, harry potter, love boat, het, angel, stargate: sg-1, sandman, buffy the vampire slayer, batman

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