Tina's Sunday Night Fic Recs

Dec 15, 2002 20:46

Harry Potter:
Disposal by Nym
A short, Marauders-era fanfic about Remus' first DADA class covering werewolves. Sirius Black shows a surprising, yet in-character, amount of tact.

A Final Inscription by obscurus
Absolutely sweet, awfully damn sad and sniffly story about Nigel Longbottom's history.

Mantra: I will not write Neville Longbottom fanfiction. I will not write Neville Longbottom fanfiction. I won't, I won't, darn it.

Stargate: SG-1:
Christmas Circumstances by Soles
Sweet story about friendship amongst SG-1. Gotta love it.

A Cure For Boredom
Eavesdropping & the Practical Applications of Slang
Paying the Piper
A trilogy of fics by AC. Val originally introduced me to AC, actually. *fanning self* Seriously good, NC-17. Sam/Martouf & Sam/Jack. All in-character, and best of all, not all the sex is Serious Romance Novel Sex.

Kindred: the Embraced
Thin Ice by Stormsinger
Cash/Sasha. Very good story dealing with the first night of Sasha's Embrace.

Dissention by Beth Savage.
One of the few funny stories I've ever seen for Kindred, and an absolutely hilarious one at that.

LA 2040 by Angel Sacrifice
Future fic, dystopic, Spike trying to get out of an LA that's walled off from the world. Spike/Dru 'shippiness.

Ask William by cyberwulf
*snicker* William the Bloody has an advice column. 'Nuff said.

Two Souled Vampires by Nimue
Snark, snark, and yet more snark. Spike and Angel have souled-vampire, Buffy-loving correspondence. Really can't say any more without ruining it. Too damn funny.

Once More, All Naked, All Gay by Dumbsaint
"Once More, With Feeling," only the (as mentioned) all-naked, all-gay version. Too hilarious, but probably not the best to read at work.

kindred: the embraced, havocthecat, harry potter, stargate: sg-1, het, buffy the vampire slayer, femslash, slash

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