Sep 28, 2006 20:15
I was having some problems with my computer last week so I called Dell to see if they could help me, but no luck with help. I was still able to get online & do a lot of other things. But not everything was working right, internet was running slow, some programs weren't functioning right, ect. Dell recommened me to reinstall windows. At the time they recommened me to reinstall windows, I told them that I never got a disk to do that with. So, they said they would send me one. So, they did & I tried to install windows with the disk no luck. Then I looked at the manual tried to follow the instructions & kept getting stuck at the same area every time I would retry it. Then I went online & searched about reinstalling windows XP & finally came to a web page that looked like it would help me. I looked & read it & did what they said to do & that worked. I was just about to give up & call Dell the next day for help. But I'm glad I got it figured out. After I got window reinstalled I was thinking that I might have got an operating system disk with the computer. But if I did, not sure where it is or what happened to it. Dell sent me out the operation system disk for free. How nice Dell was to do for me. I'm glad I did reinstall windows. Now my computer runs better. It did take some time to reinstall but wroth the time & effort it took. After this problem I have been saying to myself "I'm glad that I have that extrnal hard drive".