Jun 22, 2013 11:35
So first off, regeneration is a new birth from the old nature. This is only given by the Holy Spirit at a point in time. There is no process to this. It is once and for all. The starting point is to become more like the image of God. In 2 Corinthians 3:18 it states Christians are continuously being changed from one level of glory to another level of glory by the Holy Spirit through Scripture. If you think of it as a mirror, a reflection of Christ is in God's word (the Bible) reflecting into us as we read it. If you lay the book down, it is reflecting from above, where God is. God gives us circumstances in our lives as a progressive sanctification. Like let's say... when I was dating Derrick. The whole relationship was a nightmare to God. The day I was saved, I yielded to God's truth and started conforming morally to be more like the image of God. God puts pain in our lives until we yield to His will. 1 John 3:2 promises we will be perfect morally; sinless and perfect once we meet God at the gates. We must never stop conforming to the moral image of Him. Just like you and I know every single day is a test of faith, it's also a test to remain moral in the likeness and image of God.
The Significance of man being created in the image of God
1. Man is the highest form of Earthly creation, completely apart from the animal realm. 1 Gen 27
2. Provides basis of man's dominion over the Earth. God has given man complete ruling over the plant and animal life. The original form of government was theocracy, God's Rule is administered by a representative.
3. God created man with intellect, a personal being in the likeness of Him so he could communicate to man. Man was given a physical body to understand/navigate a physical environment. Some environmentalists are blaming Judaism and Christianity for the pollution of the Earth, blaming God's creation of dominion, but they do not say anything about the fall of man - once the image of God became corrupted, and man was given a choice to rebel against God's truth.
4. Man is valuable to sight of God (Gen 9:2) - God permitted the killing of animals for source of food for man after the flood. Is it still not in effect today, if an animal kills a human it is to be put to death? Morally, it is attacking the image of God. Nothing happens to a man that kills animals for food. Christianity is being attacked by all means in media, in our government, and in our schools. Our generation is being taught about relativism, instead of there being an absolute truth. Two college professors who have witnessed the change in society in schools mentions that previous classes were horrified and disgusted about the Holocaust, where 6 million Jews were killed in a mass genocide for their beliefs. This generation now is being taught "there are no moral absolutes" and they say "Well, how can we say whether it was right or wrong that it happened?" Another example was used about a religious cult using human sacrifice once a year by drawing straws in order to have more crop land in the next harvest in their community. Same answers.
5. Provides basis for capital punishment in 1 Gen 9:6. A lot of people will argue about the new covenant saying "What about Jesus saving us by God's grace and saying do not judge your neighbor"? But it is written in Romans 13:1, "to let every soul be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those which exist are established by God." Government is basically established for terror of evil.
6. Image of God provides basis of human government
7. Provides basis for proper social conduct (how we treat other humans who are also in image of God). James 3:8-10 - "But no one can tame the tongue; it is a restless evil and full of deadly poison, 9 With it, we Bless our Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in the likeness of God; 10 from the same mouth come both blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not to be this way."
8. Provides basis for proper church conduct (1 Cor 11:7) do not cover your head in presence of God, you are an image of God.
9. Provides a personal communion with God. We are personal beings as He is, created with intellect like Him. Prayer is also possible because of this. (Remember, this is what HE WANTS us to do!) Incarnation of Jesus Christ, His death as our substitute, and His 2nd Coming on Earth to rule is made possible. Adam was originally the Minister to carry out God's theocracy until he believed the serpent. Jesus will be the "Last Adam" to restore God's theocracy on Earth in the 1,000 year Reign.