Jul 18, 2007 21:03
But, I have news.
Umm, I don't remember my last entry so I'm just going to write what I think I haven't already wrote.
I now work at PetCetera. It's so amazing. We're really improving that store. I work in livestock. Meaning I get to take care of all the little animals and make sure they get good homes. I get TONS of shifts, its amazing, I love it. Great people too. I still work at the vet clinic on the weekends, which is also fantastic. 2 jobs and I'm still poor, but, whatever. I loves both my jobs. Not many people can say that. Haha.
Jon and I are doing SO good, we've been together 8 months now, and I'm still maddly in love with him. <3 It was just recently his 16th (yeah, I know he's a youngen) birthday, I held a nice little suprise party for him. It was pretty good. I love him so much. He treats me like a princess, I really don't know what I'd do without him. He makes me feel so special. He loves me and all my flaws. I don't know why though. He's a really great guy, and all you bitches that let him go are fucking stupiddd. Bahaha. Lame.
Sootie the cat I addoppted from my work is doing amazing, shes so sweet, she's pretty much my shadow, anywhere I go shes right behind me. I love her to death. Cynder and her aren't getting along too well, still, but, I think eventuly they will. I love them both.
I have some exciting bunny related news!
Yesterday, while biking home from Jon's house, we passed a white rex rabbit, with grey ears sitting on a lawn, knowing that this is not a wild rabbit, I told Jon to help me catch it, while doing this the poeple who own te lot the rabbit was on came out and told us we could have the rabbit, its not there's and its been outside for weeks. I remeber about a week ago, my mum and I passed it the little bunny, but, thought it was the people's and they were letting it roam the property. Anyways, Jon and I finaly caught the rabbit after diving under pine tree after pine tree, (it really wasn't that hard to catch at all,I basicly picked it up in the end) and dusting off some ticks I took thel ittle bunny home to my house, cleaned it up and got it eating and drinking. I can't let my parents know that I have this rabbit, I will adamaticly get kicked out of my house. So I am in sceret, nursing this bunny back to heath. It's by far, THEE NICEST, calmest, sweetest rabbit in the world. I've named him Stuart. He's so sweet. But, he eats his own poo. He's really skinny, and has very runny poo, I'm doing the best to get him back to heath, have any tips? Jon and I, somehow, plan to keep him. But, we don't really know yet. Ugh.
Elvis still lives here and is as fluffy as ever, shes so fucking cute, cutest lionhead in the world, shes so puggy. Shes very happy and very healthy. I love her dearly. <3
Life with my parents is horrid. All we do is fight. I don't even do anything anymore, its basicly I just walk in the room and I've failed at life. I don't even talk to Jack. He's such a fucking asshole, all he does is mock me and make me feel like shit. He's so fucking deependant on my mum, its pathtic. My mums bemome a total bitch, dosen't care about anything but herself. She's so fucking lazy now. Doesn't cook, or clean, she just doesn't care.
I really can't take much more, if things keep up, I think I'm gunna have to move out or something. I don't know. My brothers not much better, he's been a jerk a lot, but, hes really nice sometimes too. I just don't know what to do anymore.
I'm at Jon's house right now with Stuart, we've bathed him and got him eating pellets now, hopfully this will produce solid waste...
I hope everyone is doing okay, I'm only a phonecall away if you need me!