1. Name someone with the same birthday as you.
My nephew - he was my 21st birthday present
2. Where was your first kiss?
kindergarten, someone that turned out to be best friend all through school decided that he should plant one on me during a film about polar bears... why do i remember the film???
3. Have you ever seriously vandalised someone else's property?
nah... cuz toilet paper and review books don't count =)
4. Have you ever hit someone of the opposite sex?
er, um... no, i'm gentle as a peach - really!! ok, fine, but he soooo had it coming!!
5. Have you ever sung in front of a large number of people?
yeah, choir AND drama/plays... Glenda the Good Witch from Oz, and Buttercup from HMS Pinafore - hey! no laughing!!
6. What's the first thing you notice about the preferred sex?
eyes and chest... ok, reverse that order =)
7. What really turns you on?
nun-ya =)
8. What do you order at Starbucks?
went ONCE, got a hot apple cider with caramel in it... cuz hello, there was caramel!!
9. What is your biggest mistake?
10. Have you ever hurt yourself on purpose?
hell no! serious adversion to pain =)
11. Say something totally random about yourself.
arghhhh... i can't even come up with something here!!
12. Has anyone ever said you looked like a celebrity?
when i was younger i used to get compared to ummm... crap, what was her name... Kristy McNichol
13. Do you still watch kiddy movies or tv shows?
spongebob!! looney tunes, jimmy neutron, animaniacs
14. Did you have braces?
braces, headgear, double rubberbands, an activator, and retainer...8 years worth of SHIT in my mouth, just so my wisdom teeth could come in and knock my front two out of whack again, grrrrrrrrr have i ever mentioned i HATE dentists?
15. Are you comfortable with your height?
sure... the short shall inherit the earth =) except of course when i'm looking UP at my 12 year old daughter and hubby calls me stubby! hehe
16. What is the most romantic thing someone of the opposite sex has done for you?
hmmm... have to think on that one to rank the top item
17. When do you know it's love?
when you worry more about them dying than yourself =)
18. Do you speak any other languages?
5 years of german and a 6 year old from germany could lose me! i can understand about every 3rd word still, but can't find them in my brain to speak back
19. Have you ever been to a tanning salon?
ugh, no...
20. What magazines do you read?
cd, rue, ir, wk, dd, hg, f&b, mc, a few horror ones =))
21. Have you ever ridden in a limo?
22. Has anyone you were really close to passed away?
yes, actually... see #2 =(
23. Do you watch MTV?
when it was music i did...
24. What's something that really annoys you?
that mtv isn't music anymore!!
25. What's something you really like?
26. Do you like Michael Jackson?
ew, no
27. Can you dance?
classical ballet/tap for years as a kid/teen [NOW you understand those calves of mine!] - but now or any other type? not so much
28. What's the latest you have ever stayed up?
60 hours... it was a good time =))
29. Have you ever thought that you were honestly going to die?
yep, a few times...
30. Have you ever been rushed by an ambulance into the emergency room?
hehe... the ER girls knew me by name as a kid, i knew where their goodies were hidden, that would be a yes =)
31. Do you actually read these when other people fill them out?
most of the time