*Grrr* Why is facewhore so fooking slow?!? Bugs me,cause im getting alot of rates (dont know why :-/) but it takes ages to rate them back,and message them saying thanky oo's (cause im polite,heh heh) Today im in a purrrdy good mood.Shame our back window (sis's room) got smashed,well not completely,but its shattered.We think its townies because they seem to go down the back of our house to go to the fields! My dad said it might have been because they know where i live and being different from the rest and that...so an excuse to throw something at our house!!! Peoplen like that make me so god damn angry!!! *growls* I want to move to Northmapton!!!! It would be great cause i know afew people who go to roadmender and hang up abby street on the weekends!<3 x.x.x