I know for sure of the following things:
I can be slimmer but can never be taller.
I can wear African Goddess outfits but can never wear stillettos.
I can like Madonna but can never like the Spice Girls.
I can sing like somebody's unashamed drunk uncle but can never be the Philippine idol.
I can go to gay bars but can never sing on a stage.
So, last night was my very first time at IO-KTV bar in Jupiter in Makati. Of course, I wore my fabulous Senegalese shirt. This was our office team building activity, by the way. Other offices have enough budget to take them to Boracay. We have enough money to sing like fools in a room.
Actually, I was very apprehensive to go to the KTV bar. Sure, I went to Karaoke bars before but I never sang. I was with a former officemate and she dragged me to this really seedy karaoke bar in Timog where the ground floor is an internet cafe, the third floor is a gay bar named herkules 2 and sandwiched between them is this hideous karaoke bar with fake vines lining the walls. I remember walking up the stairs and I saw this massive photo of the owner greeting us. she was draped in diaphanous cloth and smiling at us and I thought it was a mausoleum because these are the photos you use to embarrass the dead.
But IO-KTV was galaxies away. They have great rooms, the food was not bad and I can scream and scream and just humiliate myself in front of people I know and like. The room we went into had these collages of Filipino musicians and I screeched, "Oh my God! Rick Segretto!!!!" I sat in front of his pick as an homage to a great looking man with panty-creamer voice.
It was all so high tech. I found out last night that the magig sing microphone costs more than ten thousand pesos!!! Yet, peolple still buy it and it's hot. Goes to show how Filipinos really like singing.Here is a shot of the television screen and so you can get an idea of the playlist we indulged in last night:
I sang songs from Kylie Minogue, to Creedence Clearwater Revival, and even stood up and sang my heart out to Aegis' Luha. Karaoke was a chance for me to sing with equal gusto and revulsion to music-that-taste-forgot like Bon Jovi's Always.
I didn't care. I wanted to let go of some negative energy and only singing without shame, I found out, can help expel the demons. Of course, I liked the room we were in and to have a shot taken with one of the premiere divas in Philippine pop music:
I was enrapt with a mike. I was yelling more than screaming and I had that occasion checking myself moments but i wanted to sing Blind Melon's No Rain because, now, more than ever, that song speaks to me in volumes. I was in a drunken mode singing Radiohead's Creep and despite the photo above, I only had fruit shakes.
I thought I would have an ok time at a karaoke bar, but I enjoyed it so much, I have an idea for a party I'm giving in the future. Before, I dance to expel the bad juju from my system. Now, all I have to do is sing Prince's Kiss in falsetto and I feel like I had 8 shots of vodka. Here's the pictoral evidence of me being caught in the moment of singing "Women not girls, they rule my world...."
I guess embarrassing myself is another form of therapy and catharsis.
Last night goes to show that I am a diva in every sense of the word.